Monthly Archive: January 2002

January 31, 2002

Download MP3   More Damaging Enron Documents Potentially damning revelations for board members of the embattled energy trading giant Enron Thursday. Just released minutes of Enron board meetings suggest that board members knew as...

January 30, 2002

Download MP3   State of the Union, State of War President George W Bush’s first State of the Union speech has prompted angry reactions from those singled out as “sponsors of terror” – particularly...

January 29, 2002

Download MP3 Bush Won’t Give Up Enron Documents Bush Administration told newspapers the President won’t touch the Enron issue in his first state of the union speech tonight. Instead he’ll make a plea for...

January 28, 2002

Download MP3   No Medical Care for Prisoners Held in Afghanistan (4:45) Afghan Premier Hamid Karzai is in Washington meeting with President Bush today and a group called Physicians for Human Rights is urging...

January 25, 2002

Download MP3 Senate Debates Big Tax Cuts for Big Donors In the wake of the collapse of Enron, the Texas based energy corporation which donated liberally to Republicans and Democrats in recent years. The...

January 24, 2002

Download MP3   Arthur Anderson Auditor Takes the Fifth On the eve of the first set of Congressional hearings into the collapse of the 7th largest company in America, ENRON’s chief executive Kenneth Lay...

January 23, 2002

Download MP3 Rumsfeld: “Sunny Guantanamo Bay” Means Humane Treatment for Taliban (3:29) US military officials say they are suspending transfers of prisoners from Afghanistan to the US Navy base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.  They...

January 22, 2002

Download MP3   Explosion Follows Ceasefire in Colombia The Colombian Government has reached an agreement with leftist rebels to keep the country’s beleaguered peace process alive. The agreement – announced by the government’s  peace commissioner...

January 21, 2002

Download MP3 •Aid to Afghanistan, Is It Being Misspent? •Enron In India •Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday is celebrated •Mumia Abu Jamal Comments on H. Rap Brown •Plan Puebla Panama

January 18, 2002

Download MP3   Update from Afghanistan We spoke to Pratap Chaterjee in Mazar e Sharif about the situation on the ground there, how Afghans feel about the US and the need for aid.  ...