Monthly Archive: December 2002

December 30, 2002

Download MP3 Kenya’s Celebrate New Dawn (3:40) Today in what many are hailing as a new era for Kenya, democratically elected President Kibaki was sworn in amid a jubilant crowd. Kenya was ruled by...

December 27, 2002

Download MP3 New Dawn for Kenya (3:18) In what many are calling the beginning of a new era, Kenyans went to the polls today to elect a new leader.  President Daniel Arap Moi is stepping...

December 26, 2002

Download MP3 Russia Opposes War on Iraq (3:42) The Iraqi government is stockpiling food and conducting military exercises in anticipation of a wider war with the United States. Iraq continues to insist it does...

December 23, 2002

Download MP3 Skeletons in Frist’s Closet Tennessee senator Bill Frist is the new senate Majority leader, replacing the embattled Trent Lott.  Republican Senators elected Frist by voice vote today.  Frist has been given failing grades from...

December 20, 2002

Download MP3 FSRN EXCLUSIVE: Turkey to Invade Iraq The United States is preparing a rapid increase in its military strength in the Middle East, almost doubling the number of troops near Iraq. Defense officials...

December 19, 2002

Download MP3 US Declares Iraq in “Material Breach” As the Bush Administration announced the last week in January as the likely date to begin the attack on Iraq, Chief arms experts Hans Blix briefed...

December 18, 2002

Download MP3 Britain Would Attack Without Permission Iraq’s vice president today warned the US to stop intervening with the ongoing weapons inspections. A top Iraqi official says that “something bad could happen” if the...