Tagged: India

FSRN Weekly Edition – February 6, 2015

Proposed reforms to corporate tax code included in Obama’s $4 trillion budget request The wheels of Congress begin to move on bilateral relations with Cuba Deadly airstrikes and rocket attacks across Syria Turkish authorities...

FSRN Weekly Edition – January 30, 2015

U.S. Senate votes 62-36 to approve the Keystone XL pipeline Prosecutorial discretion at heart of lawsuit challenging executive action on immigration Mexico ends probe of 43 disappeared students; families still demand proof Nuclear deal...

FSRN Weekly Edition – January 2, 2015

AirAsia 8501 recovery efforts continue in stormy weather, high seas Holidays bring generations together at “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations Sand mining: One of the lesser-known environmental impacts of fracking Hindu fundamentalists in India carry...

FSRN Weekly Edition – November 21 , 2014

Obama takes executive action on immigration; temporary legal status in reach for 5 million people Keystone XL pipeline defeated in the U.S. Senate by a one-vote margin Street Beat: Watch party reaction to Obama’s...

FSRN Weekly Edition – November 7, 2014

Liberal ballot initiatives pass across country even as conservative candidates prevail Republicans win majority in U.S. Congress Q&A: Is the fracking boom a bubble that’s about to pop? San Francisco becomes latest city to...

FSRN Weekly Edition – September 5, 2014

  Advocates for a free internet are in Istanbul as the UN holds Internet Governance Legal challenge to NSA bulk metadata collection advances to appeals court Fast food workers stage national sit-ins and walk-outs...