January 15, 2002

American Human Rights Violations Against Taliban Prisoners (4:06)
Over the last 24 hours, 30 additional Al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners have been flown to the US Naval base at Guantanamo, Cuba. They join the 20 prisoners already being held there by the pentagon. The treatment of the prisoners at Guantanamo is sparking outrage from human rights groups and has drawn the concern of some us allies. Jeremy Scahill reports.
Uzbek Human Rights Violations With US Help (5:36)
Senate majority leader Tom Daschle continues his four day trip to Uzbekistan with a Congressional delegation to thank president Islam Karimov for his support during the war on Afghanistan and pledge future support for “war on terrorism”. Pratap Chatterjee reports on the experience of those convicted in the Central Asian country’s own version of the “war on terrorism.”
Sharpton Headed to India (:53)
Civil rights leader the Reverend Al Sharpton says he’s going to India and Pakistan at the end of this month. Sharpton plans to make a moral plea to the leaders of the two nuclear powers to ease the military tensions between them. FSRN Washington correspondent Joshua Chaffin reports.
Enron Whistleblower (3:23)
A Congressional Committee investigating the collapse of ENRON, released a letter from an internal whistleblower disclosing that top executives were aware of the financial mess leading to the largest bankruptcy in US history. Billions of dollars of debt over a four year period were kept off of financial statements, allowing ENRON executives to reap enormous profits. Kata Mester reports from Washington.
The Future of Nuclear Power (4:18)
A bill to reauthorize a little-known law is working its way through Congress. The outcome could determine the future of nuclear power in the U.S. Melinda Tuhus reports.