February 21, 2002

Israeli Army Occupies Nablus Apartment Building, Evicts Residents (this and next story combined 4:37)
Early this morning, Israeli forces took over two apartment buildings on the outskirts of Nablus in the Occupied Territories. The residents were forced into one apartment on the ground floor of the building and have been denied relief supplies. Host Nell Abram speaks to Shawan Jabarin is the Human Rights Officer for al-Haq, a human rights organization based in Ramallah.
Sharon Promises “Guerilla War”
Responding to a Palestinian request, the UN Security Council held rare consultations on the Middle East today. Arab nations demanded Israel be condemned for escalating attacks civilians and the Palestinian Authority. Israeli tanks and troops pushed into Gaza City for the first time early this morning, firing heavy machine guns and destroying a broadcast facility. Free Speech Radio News correspondent Inigo Gilmore is in Jerusalem.
Bush In China: No Discussion of Human Rights (3:01)
President Bush is winding up his tour of Asia and has failed to win China’s agreement to stop sales of missiles and other dangerous technology. This despite earlier indications that an accord was imminent barring sales to Iran, Pakistan and other nations. Activists wonder if Bush will keep the promise he made to take a hard line on human rights issues with leaders in China. While Bush has expressed concern for the Chinese people’s lack of religious freedom, Amnesty International is calling the Bush visit the perfect opportunity to question China’s human rights record and demand freedom for Chinese political prisoners. Free Speech Radio News’ Washington Correspondent Joshua Chaffin reports.
Interview With Thomas Miller El (5:04)
Just one day before he was to be given a lethal injection, Thomas Miller-El was granted a stay of execution yesterday by the United States Supreme Court. The court will determine later this year whether the Dallas. County District Attorney’s office systematically excluded African Americans during his jury selection. In an interview with FSRN in the Death Row visiting area Miller-El talks about his trial, prison conditions and his hope concerning the Supreme Court’s review of his trial. Monica Lopez has more.
Former Black Panther On Trial in Atlanta (3:01)
The trial of Imam Jamil al-Amin, the former H. Rap Brown, delayed for months because of concern about securing a fair trial for a Muslim leader, opened Tuesday in an Georgia Superior Courtroom. Alan Lipmann is in Atlanta.
Washington State’s Anti-Terror (4:59)
Washington’s public records and privacy laws may be in peril as the state legislature passed 3 of 11 proposed anti-terrorism measures. Washington Rep. Velma Veloria, before casting her dissenting vote, cautioned legislators against letting a national tragedy cause rushed legislation that violates the principles of the state’s constitution. Martha Baskin reports from Seattle.