March 01, 2002

Rioting and Killing Continues Across India
Hundreds of troops have been deployed across the western Indian state of Gujurat in an attempt to quell the worst outbreak of Hindu/Muslim bloodshed in ten years. Nearly 300 hundred people are dead since violence erupted Wednesday when a trainload of Hindu activists were attacked by a suspected Muslim mob. There are widespread fears that the latest clashes could trigger a repeat of the nationwide violence that followed the destruction of the Babri mosque. From India, Spunik Kilambi.
US Readies for Possible Iraq Attack
National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice said this morning that President Bush does not rule out the possibility of military action against Iraq. Later, inspections experts told a congressional committee that Saddam Hussein could have nuclear weapons built within three years. The Committee also heard strong support for maintaining economic sanctions against Iraq. Critics said sanctions are not effective – some going so far as calling them genocide. Joshua Chaffin reports from Washington.
General Strike in Rural Argentina
More than 1,000 unemployed Argentines marched in Buenos Aires to demand jobs Friday as lawmakers continued debate on a recovery plan for the battered economy. Chronic overspending and the resulting political and social unrest pushed Argentina into its worst economic crisis in decades last year. The country suspended payments on its $141 billion foreign debt and the peso’s value plunged. Yesterday in La Plata, just 35 miles southeast of Buenos Aires, riot police fired rubber bullets at rock-throwing public school teachers angry over budget cuts. And in another rural Argentine city a general strike was called. Tim Russo reports from Mosconi.
The Taco Bell Truth Tour
Last night in Tampa, Florida a group of Farm Workers and their supporters began the first night of their nationwide “Taco Bell Truth Tour.” The Coalition of Immokalee Workers plans to visit 15 cities in 17 days. They hope to pressure the fast-food giant to come to the bargaining table and agree to pay Six L’s Packing Company – the local tomato producer – 1 penny more for every pound of tomatoes picked in the fields. Taco Bell buys its tomatoes from Six L’s. Mitch Perry reports from Tampa.
Low Power Radio On the Air
Community broadcasters from across the country converged on Churchton, Maryland last week to flip the switch on WRYR, 97.5 FM, on of the country’s first legal low power radio stations. Established by the Federal Communications Commission in January 2000, low power radio was created to allow non-profit community groups access to unused portions of the airwaves. There are currently a handful of legal low power stations broadcasting. Elizabeth DiNovella was at the WRYR studios when the station went on the air.