March 20, 2002

Palestinian Authority “Fully Ready” for Ceasefire (1:29)
Palestinian security officials say a cease-fire declaration is possible after a joint security meeting later today. The Palestinian Authority said yesterday it is “fully ready” to begin implementing the Tenet plan. The areas from which the Israeli Defense Force withdrew remained quiet yesterday, but there were incidents in other areas of the West Bank and Gaza. Awad Duaedes has more from Ramallah.
Mumia Abu Jamal Commentary (3:26)
Free Speech Radio News Commentator and Death Row Inmate Mumia Abu Jamal has these thoughts on the US role in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
A Visit to Guantanamo Bay (4:53)
Military tribunals the Bush administration plans to use for trying terrorism suspects will resemble ordinary military court-martial in many respects but defendants will have only limited rights to appeal. Details of the tribunal regulations began to emerge today. According to advance word from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, he does expect a lot of controversy because the planned military tribunals will be unlike anything the public has ever seen. These trials will be held outside the United States. Guantanamo Bay is one likely location. Free Speech Radio News correspondent Shannon Novak arrived there this afternoon.
Soft Money Proponents Plan to Sue (3:38)
The Congressional battle over campaign finance reform may end today. The Senate has voted to close debate on the bill banning unregulated “soft money” contributions and raising the limit on individual “hard money” contributions from wealthy individuals. As Free Speech Radio News goes to air, the Senate is poised to pass the bill. But if President Bush signs it, reform opponents say they’ll challenge the package in the Supreme Court, arguing it puts limits on free speech. It’s not clear if the bill can pass constitutional muster. Joshua Chaffin reports from Capitol Hill.
Florida Prof Sued for Terrorism (3:00)
Today in Tampa, a former federal prosecutor and Nazi hunter filed a Civil Suit against controversial University of South Florida professor Sami al-Arian, claiming he laundered money from the Saudi Arabian Government to fund terrorism abroad. The suit is yet another chapter in the al-Arian saga that began in the mid-1990s and was renewed after al-Arian appeared on the Fox News program the O’Reilly Factor last September.
Denver Mayor Says No More Spying on Police (4:10)
The Denver City Council passed a resolution Monday reaffirming the city’s commitment to upholding civil liberties. In a 7-4 vote, the council weighed in on the USA PATRIOT Act and the recent release of files exposing police surveillance of political activists. Patrick Naylis reports.