September 23, 2002

Iraq Backs Out of UN Inspection – Talks Planned (4:17)
As 25 Asian and European Union leaders agreed that Iraq must re-admit arms inspectors as speedily as possible and allow them full and free access to its facilities, Iraq reversed course Saturday and said it would not abide by any new U.N. resolution allowing weapons inspectors access to key presidential compounds. The United Nations announced they will hold talks with Iraqi government officials in Vienna on September 30 and October 1 about the return of weapons inspectors to the country. This as the officer who commanded the British 7th Armored Brigade in the Gulf War says he’s strongly opposed to a new invasion of Iraq. From Copenhagen, Aaron Glantz files this report from the summit where meetings between Asian and European union leaders are currently underway.
Palestinians Support Arafat – IDF Kills Demonstrators (3:55)
As Israel continues its siege of Yasir Arafat’s compound in Ramallah, Palestinians throughout the West Bank and Gaza poured into the streets this weekend to show support for their elected leader. On Saturday, the IDF shot and killed four demonstrators, including a journalist with Voice of Palestine radio and a contributor to FSRN. A spokesperson for the White House called the Israeli actions “not helpful in reducing terrorist violence or promoting Palestinian reforms,” while Kofi Annan urged the Israelis and Palestinians to reach a settlement “sooner rather than later.” Rob Lipton, a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement, is part of a group of internationals and Palestinians that attempted to deliver humanitarian aid to the compound on Sunday. They were prevented from entering, but watched as the IDF destroyed the few buildings still standing after last spring’s siege.
Texas-Based Palestinians To Be Deported (2:40)
As INS and FBI detentions continue across the country, the INS are about to deport a Palestinian family of 9 tomorrow unless a legislative initiative introduced to the House of Representatives by Houston congressional representative Sheila Jackson Lee is sponsored by a member of the senate. This is the second deportation order granted to the Palestinian family in less than one week. Jackson Allers of Pacifica affiliate KPFT reports from Houston on what is being done to halt the deportation.
Forest Thinning Fire Prevention Plan Stalled (4:23)
Proposals to thin national forests to reduce the risk of Catastrophic Wildfires have stalled in the senate. Environmental groups have united to oppose a Bush Administration proposal that would limit judicial reviews of tree harvesting plans. Republican senators say legal obstacles prevent forest managers from doing their jobs in a timely manner before the next fire season hits. From Idaho, Leigh Robartes has more.
Pacifica Board Meets in Houston (2:42)
This past weekend in Houston the interim national board of the Pacifica Network met – David Stiles from Pacifica station KPFT files this report.