October 01, 2002

Vienna Talks bring back Inspectors to Iraq?
Today Senior United Nations officials reported progress in talks with Iraqi officials in Vienna on the return of U.N. weapons inspectors to the country. Despite the limited agenda for the talks, the stakes are high. The U.S. and Britain are pressing for a U.N. Security Council resolution imposing new conditions on Iraq, and any breakdown in negotiations could live the U.S. an excuse to launch military strikes. Susan Wood and Pauline Bartolone report from the U.N.
Democrats: Not Enough Support for Iraq War
Negotiations continue in Congress for a resolution to use force on Iraq. Passage of some kind of resolution looks likely, but Democrats and now some prominent Republicans say the US should try harder to build an international coalition before a pre-emptive strike against Iraq. Josh Chaffin Reports from Capitol Hill.
Bush Names Jerusalem Israel’s Capital
Monday President Bush signed the U.S. Foreign Relations Authorization Act for 2003, naming Jerusalem the new capital of Israel. Previous administrations put off such a move because of the potential conflict it would cause in the Arab world – which considers East Jerusalem to be ’93 occupied territory ’94 and the Capital of a future Palestinian State. As the Palestinian cabinet met Tuesday amid the ruins of asser Arafat’s compound in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Cabinet members issued a communique9 calling on the U.N. Security Council, the Arab League, and the islamic Conference to intervene. Awad Duabes reports from Ramallah.
Another Texacution
Convicted killer James Rexford Powell will be the last man scheduled to be executed in Texas before the upcoming November elections. Concerns about the defense he received from his court appointed attorney’s that led to his death penalty verdict instead of life in prison, has caused the International Commission on Human Rights to request the execution be halted while they review possible violations of his rights under international law. But with 6 major candidates running for Texas Attorney General, Governor and the U.S. Senate in the state, holding pro-death penalty stances, issues of fairness in the application of capital punishment continue to take a back seat to safer issues like being tough on crime. From Pacifica Station KPFT in Houston, Texas, Renee Feltz reports.
Boston Janitors Demonstrate
After weeks of growing tensions, hundreds of janitors in the Boston area began their strike last night at 17 downtown office buildings and over a dozen suburban buildings. They are threatening to stay out until they receive better pay and health benefits. The janitors were joined by hundreds of students and members of the community at a rally at Northeastern University as they began the first day of a city-wide strike. The protest was organized by the Student Labor Action Project, an activist group from several area campuses, reaching out in solidarity with labor unions. Chuck Rosina has this report from Boston.
New York Labor Conference
In New York this past weekend, hundreds of labor organizers, academics, media workers, and students from around the country attended the annual Labor Voices / Labor Tech Conference. Participants gathered to share strategies for a more democratic media in the U.S.one that would truly amplify the voices of America’ s working class. Eileen Sutton was at the conference, and files this report.