October 07, 2002

Brasil’s Lula da Silva Ahead – Run-off in Two Weeks
In Brasil, it will be another 15 days before voters there must once again cast their ballots for a new President. Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva of the left, workers’ party and Jose Serra, the incumbent party candidate and hopeful of international investors will face each other in a run-off election on October 27th. The race is drawing the attention of the world as Lula could become Brasil’s first leftist in 40 years to hold the office. Deepa Fernandes spoke with Marc Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.
Not In Our Name – NYC Rallies One Year Later
One year ago today, US bombs began falling on Afghanistan. Since then, thousands of Afghan civilians have been killed. Yesterday the anniversary was commemorated with actions across the United States, all organized under the theme Not In Our Name. Thousands gathered in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, Denver and elsewhere to take a pledge of resistance against war on the world, detentions and roundups, and police state restrictions. The largest action in the country took place in New York’s Central Park as people gathered to send a powerful message to the world from Ground Zero itself. Julie Hey was in Central Park and files this report.
NYC Domestic Workers Speak Out
Stories of domestic workers held incommunicado in their employers’ houses without pay have received some media attention over the past several years. But the employees of diplomats, lawyers, doctors, and business people say the problems domestic workers face are systemic. In New York City two hundred and fifty nannies, housekeepers, caregivers, and their supporters marched to City Hall on Saturday. Demanding rights for domestic workers, the demonstration targeted municipal lawmakers who later this month will consider legislation to protect a largely invisible and underground workforce. Nell Geiser reports.
Indian Army Intervenes in Kashmiri Elections
Pakistan and India have both staged missile tests this past weekend with the Indian government called Pakistan’s test a publicity stunt ahead of this week’s general elections, the first presidential elections since a 1999 military coup. Meanwhile as the final round of the elections in Kashmir get underway today, a coalition of human rights groups is charging the Indian military with massive use of force and coercion in connection with this month’s elections in the war-torn state of Jammu and Kashmir. The diverse team of election observers from throughout India says the Indian army is going door to door demanding people vote, telling people if they do not vote they will lose their index finger, and even dragging people at gun point to polling stations. Aaron Glantz has more from New Delhi.
NAFTA Allows Mexican Trucks Across Border
After a seven year wait, trucks from Mexico will soon be able to travel across the Mexican border into US cities under NAFTA. In a two part series, Nick Layman evaluates the economic and safety concerns of Mexican trucks coming into the US.