November 12, 2002

“Trading with the Enemy”
Considering the events of the past several months, investing in Iraq wouldn’t sound like the safest bet. But the threat of war didn’t prevent an impressive turnout at the annual Baghdad International Trade Fair that wrapped up on Sunday. Representatives of nearly 1,200 businesses from 49 countries came to display their products in the strongest showing at the fair since the onset of the 1991 Gulf War. From the Iraqi capital, FSRN correspondent Jeremy Scahill reports.
Kibbutz Shooting
Israel has begun its retaliation for the shooting of five civilians on Kibbutz Metzer. Israeli troops raided the West Bank town of Tulkarem demolishing a militia leader’s home and arresting three men, as they searched for the Palestinian gun man. Irris Makler reports from Jerusalem.
Labor and Reproductive Rights Threatened
The US Congress went back to work today. Democrats still control the Senate, for now. Republicans and Democrats are working on a compromise bill to create a new Homeland Security department, but few expect much new legislation to pass during the “lame duck” session. With the Republicans to take control of Congress in January, trying times are looming for advocates of labor and reproductive rights. Josh Chaffin reports from Capitol Hill.
11th Anniversary of Santa Cruz Massacre
Eleven years ago, the Indonesian military massacred peaceful demonstrators in East Timor. FSRN’s Deepa Fernandes has more.
Protests Against FTAA in Ecuador
Nathan Grove reports from Quito.