December 10, 2002

Turks Say NO to War on Iraq!
As the Bush administration steps up its aggressive courting of Turkey’s leaders – Turkish compliance being critical to a US attack on Iraq, today the White House met with a key Turkish leader visiting Washington. Last week Turkey agreed to let U.S. forces use Turkish bases in the event of war with Iraq, yet Washington knows well that Turkish support is not guaranteed, as Aaron Glantz reports from Istanbul, many Turks, as high as 80% of the population, do not want to follow their leaders alliance with the US for war on Iraq.
National Day of Action for Peace
A nation-wide day of action took place today around the US calling for world peace and no war on Iraq. From a No Blood for Oil rally in Hadley, Massachusetts to a Florence Peace Theater Stop-War Production in Florence, Oregon, people united to send a firm message to the White House. Ian Forrest attended the NYC rally and files this report.
Cheney’s Energy Secrets
Score one for the Dick Cheney Energy Task Force. Documents from the Vice President’s secret meetings with energy industry leaders will remain secret – for now. A judge appointed by President Bush ruled late yesterday that congress has no right to sue the White House to get meeting transcripts, or even a list of the people Cheney met with, in formulating the national energy policy. Josh Chaffin reports from DC.
South Koreans Protest US Troops
The American deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage, arrived in South Korea to be greeted by the biggest anti -American protests the country has seen in recent years. The acquittal last month of two US soldiers who killed two South Korean schoolgirls has fueled resentment against the 37,000 US troops stationed in South Korea. Meanwhile, Korean Americans in Los Angeles gathered in a candlelight vigil last night to condemn the acquittal of U.S. servicemen. They say the servicemen’s trial was a sham, and they’re demanding that President Bush remove U.S. troops from South Korea. Justin Stinchcombe reports from Los Angeles.
SOA Protestors Finish Prison Terms
Within weeks of the arrest of some 94 people at this year’s SOA protest, the federal government released 11 of the 36 prisoners of consciousness from last year’s protest. Jack Hickey reports.