January 07, 2003

Venezuelan Strike Creates More Chavez Supporters (4:23)
Today marked day 37 of the opposition strike in Venezuela. As Deepa Fernandes reports from Caracas, while yet another opposition mobilization took place today, the effects of the strike are mobilizing more people in favor of President Chavez.
Bush Presents Economic Stimulus Plan – Economists’ Concern Grows (4:13)
President Bush presented his economic stimulus package today – the centerpiece of which is a series of tax cuts that benefit corporate interests and the wealthy more than low and middle income Americans. The Democrats released their own less costly stimulus plan yesterday. DC Reporter Josh Chaffin today spoke with economists concerned with the growing economic inequality in the US.
Sharon Closes Palestinian Universities; Restricts Travel (3:58)
After deadly suicide attacks claimed the lives of 24 people and injured over 100 others in a working class neighborhood of Tel Aviv, the Israeli cabinet issued new mandates further restricting Palestinian travel within the Occupied Territories and overseas. The Sharon led ministerial which convened shortly after the attacks also closed three Palestinian colleges in the West Bank. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon moved to ban the travel of a Palestinian delegation to participate in peace talks with British Prime Minister Tony Blair schedule for next week. Awad Duaibes reports from Ramallah.
Dow Chemical Sues Bhopal Survivors (4:58)
In a stunning example of corporate insensibility, Dow Chemical, the world’s largest chemical company and the new owners of Union Carbide, is to sue survivors of the 1984 Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal, India. While the site of the disaster lies covered in toxic waste and survivors struggle with continuing ill health and deadly pollution from the site, Dow has decided to add to their woes with an Indian lawsuit. Sputnik Kilambi reports.
Mumia on Haitian Struggle (2:33)
Mumia Abu-Jamal is an award-winning journalist who chronicles the human condition. He has been a resident of Pennsylvania’s death row for twenty-two years. Writing from his solitary confinement cell his essays have reached a worldwide audience. Here Mumia Abu Jamal speaks of the Haitian Struggle for freedom.
This essay Haitian Struggle For Freedom by Mumia Abu Jamal was recorded by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.