April 07, 2003

Urban Warfare – Baghdad Under Siege (4:04)
Reports coming in from Baghdad that say US troops have invaded Iraq’s capital city today. The US say they have taken 2 palace complexes of Saddam Hussein. There are reports of violent confrontations in various neighborhoods of Baghdad as many residents of the city have holed up indoors. Urban Hamid, a Swedish Freelance journalist joins us from the Hotel Palestine in Baghdad where it is now night time and he reports all has been quiet for the last couple of hours after a day of intense bombardment by US troops.
Post-Saddam Plans for Iraq (3:52)
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan held a hastily scheduled meeting with members of the Security Council today, as un and other international relief agencies warned of a health disaster in Baghdad. The agencies say civilian casualties are mounting, hospitals are overwhelmed and medicines are in short supply. With the conflict still raging due to strong resistance by the Iraqi forces, President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair opened two days of talks in Northern Ireland today on the future of Iraq. Blair and other European leaders are pressing for a central postwar role for the UN. But in a move that seemed designed to preempt further debate on the issue, the administration today unveiled plans to install a temporary civil administration in Iraq, headed by retired general Jay Garner. The people of Iraq were not consulted. Susan Wood reports from the UN.
Harlem & Hip-Hop Against the War (3:03)
Hip-hop artists Floetry, Common, Gangstarr and Talib Kweli performed to a sold out crowd of thousands last night in NYC. An anti-war vibe pulsed throughout the night. Meanwhile, on Saturday Harlem’s voice came to life as hundreds of people of color took to the streets to oppose the war in Iraq. Simba Russeau files this report.
Hawash Detention Draws Protests (2:03)
The most recent in a long list of victims of the Patriot Act and Homeland Security, is Mike Hawash, a contract worker for Intel Corporation in Beaverton Oregon. Mike, whose actual name is Maher Mofeid Hawash, is being held in a federal prison in Oregon as part of an on-going investigation by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. Arrested by FBI agents on March 20th, and held for the past two weeks in solitary confinement, Mike has not been charged with a crime, nor has anyone been able to determine why he is being held. On Monday morning, over 100 people crowded the steps of the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse Building to protest Mike’s secret detention. Lisa Hamid has more from Portland Oregon.
One Year After Church of Nativity Siege (2:38)
Over the weekend, opening arguments started in the trial of Palestinian Leader Marwan Bharghouti who Israeli authorities charged with planning suicide attacks against Israeli civilians. For the second day, Palestinian witnesses called to testify against Bharghouti have refused to answer questions in the Tel Aviv courtroom. Bharghouti has also refused legal representation saying Israel’s court authority is not recognized. As the raids continued in the Gaza strip, in the West Bank Town of Jenin, another American aid worker was seriously wounded when the Israeli Military shot 24 year old activist Brian Avery of New Mexico in the face as he and one other ISM worker were waiting for fellow International Solidarity Movement workers, they both had their hands raised and were wearing medics bright orange vests. Swedish International solidarity worker Tobias Carleson says he and Avery were alone in the center of a empty traffic round-about during a military imposed curfew. Avery’s shooting comes on the heels of the death of Rachel Corrie who was run over by a bulldozer by the Israeli military during a house demolition in the Gaza strip March 16th. This as Bethlehem remembers one year ago when the Israeli military held the Church of the nativity under siege for 39 days. Kristen Ess was there and remembers.
Indians Academics Protest War (3:09)
The Indian government has yet to condemn the war. While India’s prime minister is quoted as saying, “India should take a stance which would benefit the country in the long run”, the public protests in the worlds second most populated country show the mounting anger of the Indian people. Earlier this week, a Central university in Delhi decided to ban the entry of US and UK officials onto their campus. Our correspondent Vinod K. Jose has the details.