May 13, 2003

Powell In The Middle East (2:46)
At least 10 Americans were killed today in a series of explosions that rocked the Saudi capital Riyadh in the worst deadly suicide attack against US citizens since 9/11. US secretary of state Colin Powell deplored the attacks and said that they bore the “earmarks of Al-Qaeda”. The bombings marred the secretary’s visit to the Middle East that aimed at forging peace between Israelis and Palestinians and push for the US brokered middle east peace roadmap. Oula Farawati reports from Amman, Jordan.
Palestinian Refugees in Iraq (4:07)
The Iranian press is reporting today that Iran and the United States have reached a compromise over Iraq, at secret talks in Geneva. The Israeli paper Ha’artz said that “the U.S. had promised to disarm the Iranian rebel group Peoples Mujaheddin in Iraq and, in return, Teheran had been asked not to meddle in the internal affairs of Iraq, especially among the Shiites in south Iraq”. Meantime, hundreds of Iraqi Palestinians have become refugees since the fall of Saddam Hussein, the victims of eviction by their landlords. And as Aaron Glantz reports from Baghdad, the Palestinians aren’t getting a sympathetic ear from the Iraqi people.
Texas Democrats Walk Out (3:12)
In a surprise move yesterday, Democratic Representatives in the Texas House fled the state in order to break quorum and prevent the House from voting on a controversial redistricting scheme being pushed by U.S. Congressman Tom Delay and the State’s Republican leadership. The plan, if allowed to move forward, would split Austin, Texas into new Congressional districts that reach the New Mexico border and the Rio Grande. Stefan Wray has more.
FCC Public Hearing: San Francisco (4:04)
California Congresswoman Lynne Woolsey and Commissioner Michael Copps of the Federal Communications Commission convened a forum in front of some 300 people at Dominican College in San Rafael California yesterday to hear public comment on rules changes which could allow for increased media consolidation. The FCC is scheduled to vote June 2nd. Max Pringle reports from KPFA.
Protesting For The Right To Protest (4:23)
Over 500 demonstrators gathered at the port in Oakland last night to confront the corporations that they call war profiteers, and to reclaim their right to non-violent community demonstrations. On the sunny Monday afternoon, demonstrators, led by the Brass Liberation Orchestra, marched between 5 peaceful picket lines. Sarah Olson has more from Oakland.