May 27, 2003

Supreme Court on Secret Deportation Hearings (2:15)
The Supreme Court Today refused to hear an appeal brought by groups challenging secret deportation hearings, which began after Sept 11th, 2001. Shortly after the 9-11 attacks, the Justice Department issued new rules stating that anyone they declared a “special interest” would have a hearing closed to the public. Several New Jersey newspapers challenged the rules, saying there is public interest in ensuring immigrants rights are not violated in the hearings. The Supreme Court today stopped that challenge without comment, letting stand a lower court ruling that any public interest was trumped by national security concerns. Jay Tamboli reports from Washington.
‘God and Country’ Rally in West Virginia (4:21)
Foreign Policy watchers are suggesting that Iran may be the next target of the Bush Administration, this comes as yesterday Iran announced it had arrested and would interrogate several suspected members of al Qaeda and Washington responding that Iran was not doing enough to flush out terrorism. U.S. officials have accused Iran of pursuing a secret nuclear weapons program, meddling in postwar Iraq and harboring al Qaeda members. Iran has denied those charges and said it is ideologically opposed to al Qaeda. Meanwhile, back in the US, thousands gathered in West Virginia over the weekend to send a message of support for US troops in Iraq. The rally also was to celebrate the return of Private Jessica Lynch, rescued by US troops in Iraq. “God and Country” was the theme, but for the rally’s participants the event had a variety of meetings. Evan Davis has this report from Huntington, West Virginia.
Aid Work Suspended in Gaza Strip (3:55)
A meeting between Israeli Prime minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian Prime minister Mahmoud Abbas has been postponed – they may be held by the end of the week. This as preparations continue for a mid-east summit slated for early June likely to take place in Jordan with President Bush, Sharon and Abbas. As Israeli Prime minister Ariel Sharon outlined 14 objections to the US backed roadmap over the weekend, a plan already unconditionally accepted by Palestinians, international NGOs protested the recent closures of the Occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip at the Erez border crossing into the Gaza strip. As Mohammad Ghalayni reports form the Gaza Strip, already Doctors without Borders is among the 41 international aid organizations suspending or on the verge of suspending its humanitarian work.
FCC Special Series: Part 1 (4:15)
In a new report, the Center for Public Integrity reports that FCC officials have received two-point-eight million dollars in travel and entertainment over the last eight years, mostly from telecom giants. This comes as federal ownership caps for media are on the line as the FCC moves towards a vote next Monday that could eliminate them. Among the media caps that could be voted out are bans on cross ownership of newspapers and broadcast stations in the same market, owning two TV stations in the same market, owning more than eight radio stations in one market, owning two over-the-air TV networks, or owning a set of stations that reach more than 35% of the Nation. This wee week begin a 4 part special series examining the implications of the FCC’s proposed changes, and correspondent Leigh Robartes begins the series by looking at some of the issues being debated leading up to the vote.
Africa Responds to Western Media Coverage on Iraq (4:05)
And with the FCC vote scheduled for next Monday, criticism of the American media is not confined to critics within the country, as Sam Olukoya reports from Nigeria, African journalists and the public saw a very different portrayal of the US-led attack on Iraq.