June 13, 2003

Congressional Investigation into WMD Evidence (3:56)
Secretary of State Colin Powell today defended the intelligence information the United States used in justifying its push for the invasion of Iraq. An unnamed senior CIA official says the White House knew that one central piece of weapons evidence might be a fake. The White House so far claims it wasn’t told. A closed door Congressional investigation is now getting underway. Josh Chaffin reports from the Capitol.
CAFTA Negotiations to Begin Monday (4:10)
Central American Nations and the United States will enter the fifth round of free trade negotiations, known as CAFTA, beginning Monday in Honduras. Meanwhile, more than 400 members of Central American organizations met in Managua to analyze the real effects of these agreements on the people of Central America. Nan McCurdy has more from Managua, Nicaragua.
One Year Anniversary of South Korean Deaths (3:47)
South Koreans are remembering the lives of two young girls killed a year ago today. The 14-year-olds were crushed to death when a 50-ton US armored vehicle hit them on a civilian road north of Seoul. The American personnel involved in the incident were acquitted, angering many Koreans, and creating doubt about the US military presence in Korea. While some are remembering the schoolgirls with peaceful candlelight vigils, others are planning large demonstrations to demand the withdrawal of us troops. From Seoul, Doualy Xaykaothao reports.
Education Cuts in CA Budget (4:30)
The California legislature is scheduled to vote on the 2003-2004 budget by Sunday, but most Californians are doubtful that the constitutionally mandated vote will actually occur on time. In the midst of the state’s $38 billion dollar budget deficit, a loss of more than one third of its general fund revenues, the eighth largest economy in the world is suffering one of the worst financial crises in history. And the state’s education system is one of the hardest hit. As Pauline Bartolone reports from Berkeley, students and teachers are leaving for their summer break not knowing in what state their schools will be in next September.
Part 3: Roots of Congo Crisis (3:43)
The Ugandan president has been visiting the White House where he and President Bush yesterday discussed economics and the worsening HIV/AIDS crisis. Both leaders also discussed Uganda’s role in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The African press is reporting that President Bush had strong words for Ugandan President Museveni about how his country’s exploitation of Congo’s natural resources is contributing to the internal war. Yet as the international community is beginning to take steps to help facilitate peace in the country, there is great concern among Congolese that the West is negatively influencing the restructuring of the DRC. Correspondent Dena Montegue brings us the final report of our three part special series on the Congo Crisis where today she investigates whether the international community is actually helping or in fact contributing to the world’s most deadly war.