July 18, 2003

Free Speech Radio News Headlines
Palestinian Prime Minister Invited to Washington – Mohammed Ghalayini
Protestors Rally outside of Dell Computers – Erika MacDonald
Undocumented Immigrants Face Legislation that would Beef Up Border Security – John Anderson
Attorney General John Ashcroft to Meet with Anti-Terrorism Task Forces – Andrew Stelzer
Public is Getting a Glimpse of Controversial Dick Cheney Energy Documents – James Cullum
Blair in Washington DC (4:09)
Reporters from the New York Times and the Nation magazine allege that Bush administration officials have retaliated against former ambassador Joseph Wilson for telling his side of the Niger uranium story. Last week Wilson gave an account to the press of his CIA-sanctioned trip to Niger, asserting he found no evidence that Iraq had tried to buy uranium. Wilson wrote that the White House must have known the story was false before Bush used it in the State of the Union speech. The Times and the Nation report that administration officials then outed Wilson’s wife as an undercover CIA officer. Wilson says the move was intended to intimidate others who might come forward. This as Blair was in Washington last night speaking to a joint session of Congress. And as Ama Buadi reports from London, the British reaction to Blair’s address was chilly.
Delayed Iraqi Oil Production (4:06)
Expectations for a strong return of Iraqi oil to the market continue to be stymied amid reports that acts of sabotage inflicted on Iraqi oil refineries and pipelines are derailing efforts to pump oil out of the country. Several incidents took place in the past two weeks, in which U.S. Forces are blamed for further delaying Iraqi oil production. And as Oula Farawati reports, it will be long before Iraq can re-attain its prewar production.
Formation of a Peaceful Resolution in Korea (3:26)
Two days after North Korea announced it had processed plutonium and one day after machine gun shots were exchanged in the De-militarized Zone that separates North and South Korea, Chinese President Hu Juntao sent one of his most senior deputies to Pyonghang to deliver a personal message to North Korean Leader Kim Jong Ill, in what is seen as a more active approach by Beijing to the nuclear crisis. China’s foreign ministry said the message was part of that nation’s effort to form a peaceful resolution and stability to the Korean peninsula at the earliest possible date. Aaron Glantz and Ngoc Nguyen have more from Seoul.
Congressional Redistricting in Texas (3:18)
With some Republicans in the Texas Senate siding with Democrats, the plan to redraw Texas Congressional districts is less likely to move forward, but that’s if the Republicans don’t change the rules or drag out the process longer. Both the Texas Governor and Lieutenant Governor have hinted at just that, as a Special Session of the Texas legislature approaches the end of its third week. The fate of Congressional redistricting in Texas – what many call House Majority Leader Tom Delay’s brainchild – remains anyone’s guess. Stefan Wray has more in Austin.
Living Wage for Workers in Atlanta (3:51)
In Georgia, activists have fought for years to establish a living wage for workers in Atlanta- with little success. This summer the Atlanta Living Wage Coalition is stepping up its efforts by starting a summer of action to raise awareness in the south for the need of a living wage. Jim Hickey files this report from Atlanta where he has attended a recent series of public hearings calling for a living wage.