July 31, 2003

Headlines Produced by Randi Zimmerman Peacekeeping Troops in Liberia
Israel Violates Roadmap? Mohammed Ghalayini reports.
Chavez Tells Us to Stay Out – Greg Wilpert reports from Caracas.
Indian HR Commission Calls for New Trial – Binu Alex has the story.
TX NAACP Demands Police Investigations – Stephan Wray reports.
Israel to Build more Settlements
Palestinian and Israeli officials met today just outside of Jerusalem in talks which yielded little progress on the US-backed “roadmap”. No concrete agreements were reached as to an Israeli withdrawal from the Occupied West Bank and Gaza. This as Israel announced the completion of what they described as the first stage of a “security wall” around the West Bank which Palestinians denounced as an apartheid wall. And as Awad Duaibes reports, Palestinians have little confidence in the Israeli commitment to the US-backed peace process as Israel announced today that it aims to expand settlements in the Gaza Strip.
Training Terrorists or the Poor?
Under pressure from the United States, Pakistan government plans to spend $100 million on reforming around 45,000 religious seminaries, or Madrassahs, because of the fear that they included training in the use of arms in their curriculum. However, as Masror Hussain reports from Islamabad, Pakistan, Madrassahs in Pakistan are unique as they offer education for the countries poor.
Part 1: Vieques in South Korea
This week marks the 50th Anniversary of the Armistice that ended the Korean War. But for residents of one village on South Korea’s west coast, the armistice marked the beginning — not the end — of a US military bombing campaign. From Meyhan- Ni South Korea, Aaron Glantz has the first of a two part series on the US military’s practice bombing range.
Tourism Continues to Kashmir
As the Indian Army moves ahead with it’s strikingly Israel-like plan to build a fence along the Line Of Control in Indian administered Kashmir, violence continues as does the back and forth accusations between the Indians and Pakistanis as to who is to blame. Yesterday India’s defense minister, George Fernandes said that some 3,000 terrorists were being trained in camps in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir. This as Pakistani’s say that yesterday four people, including a government employee, were killed in fresh separatist-linked violence overnight in the Indian Held Kashmir. And as correspondent Shahnawaz Khan in Srinagar reports, despite the recent spate of violence, Kashmiri’s calling on the world to see for themselves what is happening in their country.
Mumia Abu Jamal Commentary: 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution