August 05, 2003

Headlines produced by Randi Zimmerman
Latest on Episcopal Bishop – Ann Alquist
Anniversary of Hiroshima Bombing – Myles Ashdown
WMD in Anniston, Alabama
Palestinian Activists Arrested – Mohammed Ghalayini
Immigrant Workers Freedom Rights – Jackson Allers
Indonesia’s Anti-Terrorism Force (3:35)
A car bomb went off today at the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia during a busy lunchtime hour, killing more than a dozen. While details remain sketchy, Jarkata’s governor has said the case is “clearly terrorism”, and many fear the Indonesian government will use this latest attack to justify further military presence across Indonesia. This as Australia has been negotiating with Indonesia to re-commence joint military training exercises. Such a move would mean Australia would be re-engaging with Indonesia’s primary counter-terrorism unit Kopassus – the force considered by international observers as responsible for committing serious human rights abuses in East Timor, West Papua and Aceh. From Sydney our correspondent Guy Degen has more.
Tensions Rise Again in Venezuela (3:22)
The conflicts between the U.S. and Venezuela and within Venezuela, between the government and the opposition, are heating up once again. One reason is a possible recall referendum against Venezuela’s president, Hugo Chavez. In a little under 2 weeks from now, on August 19, the opposition may officially begin to collect the signatures in favor of a recall referendum against President Chavez, who has been a thorn in the side of the Bush administration and of Venezuela’s old governing elite. Carol Delgado and Greg Wilpert have more from Caracas, Venezuela.
Voting Rights for Non-Citizens (3:53)
Los Angeles, Seattle, and Cambridge, Massachusetts are some of the cities across the United States trying to extend voting rights in local elections to non US citizens. FSRN correspondent Ingrid Drake reports from Washington, DC on efforts to enfranchise its adult immigrant community.
Arabs Angry Over Iraqi Contracts (3:42)
As multinational corporations bid on reconstruction contracts in Iraq, today, the deadline for bidding on three mobile telephone licenses in Iraq was extended until August 21st by US Central Command. Many neighboring countries to Iraq complain that they have been shut out of potentially lucrative reconstruction contracts in the Occupied country. Last Thursday the US led coalition in charge of reconstruction- floated three mobile licenses to offer to “connect Iraqis to the world.” Meeting in Amman late last week, regional and international mobile companies called the conditions placed on the biding process “discriminatory” saying they favor non-Arab companies. Oula Farawati has more from Amman.
Update: General Mood in Iraq (4:25)
As the media is flooded with reports today of the death of an American civilian in Iraq – he was a contractor employed by Kellogg Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, the former company of Vice President Dick Cheney which has major contracts for reconstruction in both Iraq and Afghanistan – the civilian death count of Iraqi’s is now placed at between 6 and 8 thousand. This as also today Arab League foreign ministers ruled out sending troops to help US forces in Iraq. And as Ahmed Al-Rawi reports from Baghdad, it seems Iraqi’s faith in the American occupation is fast waning.