March 01, 2004

Haitian Capitol Still in Dissarray
The Haitian capitol is still struggling to reach a semblance of normalcy. Sylvio Juste reports from Port au-Prince.
UN to Send Troops to Haiti
A United Nations spokesperson says the UN will send a multifaceted peacekeeping mission to Haiti, but is silent for now on how President Aristide left the country. Susan Wood has more from the UN.
Rallies Across Americas Over US Imperialism
Tens of thousands rallied behind Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez over the weekend as verifying signature counts continue. And, blaming U.S. foreign policy for trouble sin Haiti and Venezuela, numerous groups around the Americas planned demonstrations today against what they call “U.S. imperialism.” Ingrid Drake reports from on such demonstration in D.C.
DC Residents Warn Pending Gun Legislation
Today DC residents and local officials called on the Senate to withhold an amendment that would repeal the city’s ban on hand guns. Darby Hickey reports from Capitol Hill.
Taiwanese Form Human Chain Across Island
People in Taiwan formed a human chain spanning the length of the island over the weekend to protest what they deem the growing threat of violence by China. The Associated Press reports it was the largest demonstration in Taiwan with organizers claiming 1 point 2 million participants. The Financial Times reports 2 million people.
Accountability for Haiti
According to several news reports, today, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld denied that Jean Bertrand Aristide had been forced out by the United States. And Secretary of State Colin Powell forcefully dismissed the allegation as well, saying Aristide boarded the plane willingly. This – as Conservative groups that provide money for Haitian trainings in the neighboring Dominican Republic also deny any involvement in recent events in Haiti. Mitch Jeserich reports:
Pro democracy protests in Brooklyn
While mainstream media continues to report that Jean Bertrand Aristide fled Haiti over the weekend – the US government continues to deny any involvement in the ousting of Jean Bertrand Aristide, who, according to reports, is in the Central African Republic. Meanwhile – in Brooklyn, New York Haitian Americans held a rally in defense of their democracy this weekend. Ian Forrest files this report.
On the ground in Haiti
The press in Haiti’s neighbor, the Dominican Republic is reporting that Haiti will now be on the road to peace now that Aristide is gone. Yet as FSRN host Deepa Fernandes and reporter Kody Emmanuel discovered in the Dominican border town of Dajabon, many Haitians who are entering the DR are very upset that their president was forced out this way.
Iraq Constitution
The U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council agreed on an interim constitution today, but the constitution does not specify the mechanism or the date by which nationwide elections would be held. Aaron Glantz reports from Northern Iraq.
GM Crops in Northern California
Amidst fierce biotech opposition, residents of Mendocino County in Northern California seek to ban the growth of genetically engineered crops, in a ballot measure that many see as being the first of many local battles around the country. Residents site increased pesticide use, gene pollution, and corporate control of farming as some of the many reasons to ban the use of genetically modified seeds in the county. Sarah Olson has more.