March 08, 2004

9 days after Haitian president Jean Bertrand Aristide was removed by what says was a coup orchestrated by the US government., violence continues in Haiti. This weekend, at least 6 people were killed by gunmen opposed to Aristide during a demonstration in support if Aristides return to the country. Sylvo Juste reports from Haiti.
Today, Jean Bertrand Aristide spoke with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now across the Pacifica network. Aristide said that although he is safe in the Central African Republic, and is being treated well, he is not allowed to leave the palace he was brought to over a week ago.
Sara Flounders works with the International Action Center. She is a member of a US delegation that traveled to the central African republic, but was denied access to Aristide.
Hundreds of people gathered in front of the White House on Saturday to protest the coup that removed the Haitian President.. Selena Masuta reports from Washington D.C.
The peace caravan began its worldwide tour in Italy over the weekend. Diletta Varlesse reports from Brescia.
In response to a recent honor killing, Turkish women are in the streets, calling for an end to the practice, and changes to laws that support inequality and sexual discrimination. Ezgi Sertaj has more from Ankara.
Iraqi Interim Constitution Meets Criticism
Hours after members of the US appointed Iraqi Governing Council signed what’s being called the country’s interim Constitution, Iraq’s top Shi’ite cleric issued a fatwa, or ruling, against it. In a statement, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani said the document will “not gain legitimacy except after it is endorsed by an elected national assembly.” Al-Sistani also made clear his reservations about provisions for Kurdish autonomy contained in the document. Aaron Glantz has more from Northern Iraq.
US Condemned for Treatment of Detainees
According to a report released today by Human Rights Watch, U.S. forces in Afghanistan have arbitrarily detained civilians, used excessive force during arrests of non-combatants, and mistreated detainees in that country. The report concluded that the U.S.-administered system of arrests and detention in Afghanistan is illegal. Human Rights Watch called on the U.S. to comply with international law. In Washington, D.C. today family members of detainees in Guantanamo Bay demanded that those held prisoner be granted the right to due process under U.S. and international law. Darby Hickey reports on their efforts.
Poisoning DC Residents with Lead-Water?
Public outrage is growing as more information surfaces about the extent of lead contamination in Washington, DC’s drinking water. Today, two families filed the first class action lawsuit against the DC Water and Sewer Authority for concealing information about the lead problem, while taking inadequate steps to protect residents since 2001. If the lawsuit is successful, monetary damages awarded to thousands of DC families is estimated in the tens of millions of dollars. Following years of mismanagement by authorities, DC residents are demanding action by officials and a seat at the decision making table. Ingrid Drake from our Washington Bureau has this report.
Exposing Sexual Abuse in US Military
30% of women in the U.S. military are victims of sexual assault, according to a report published in the march issue of American Journal of Industrial Medicine. To coincide with International Women’s Month, Amnesty International and the Miles Foundation have launched a new campaign entitled “Stop Violence against Women”. One goal of the program is to improve the system for reporting physical and sexual abuse of women by U.S. servicemen. From Washington DC, Victoria Jones reports.
Campaign for Women’s Land Rights in India
Today in the Indian state of Gujarat, a new fight for land rights was kicked off by women who contribute substantially in agriculture yet still have virtually no ownership rights. Poor women across Indian, which is largely an agrarian economy, are dependent on male family members to cultivate the land and sustain their families. As FSRN correspondent Binu Alex reports from Ahmedabad, today’s campaign aims to turn that around.
Cuidad Juarez: Hotspot for Crimes Against Women
One of the world’s major hotspots for crimes against women is located just across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas. For over a decade, hundreds of young women have disappeared from Cuidad Juarez. While many remain missing, many have been found raped, mutilated and killed. Despite the high number of gruesome murders, no one has been tried or convicted of the crimes. Shannon Young brings us this report from the border.