June 11, 2004

U.S. soldiers were authorized to use attack dogs to intimidate Iraqis prisoners. Karen Mitchell has more from the D.C. coop.
The voter advocacy group is taking legal action against the state of South Dakota for alleged voting irregularities during the state’s special election last week. Jim Kent reports from Rapid City.
Elections for European Union representatives are taking place around the EU today. Yet EU voters are showing less than enthusiastic support for going to the polls. Only 52-percent of the more than 340-million potential voters are expected to participate in elections that started today in some countries and will end on Sunday in most others. In a trend pollsters say will likely be repeated elsewhere, British voters cast their ballots against the ruling party. Naomi Fowler reports from London.
The Cuban government released 5 people being held as political prisoners. Joseph Mutti explains why from Havana.
The Mayor of New Palz was found not-guilty of violating the law when he married gay and lesbian couples. Jason West of WJFF reports.
National Day of Mourning
The United States observed a national day of mourning today to mark the death of Ronald Reagan – the nation’s 40th President. Funeral services were held at the National Cathedral.
Reagan’s Legacy in Nicaragua
News of Ronald Reagan’s death last weekend made headlines for several days in the Central American country of Nicaragua. Reagan’s policies and actions in Nicaragua had a deep impact on the course of Nicaraguan history. Tara Ramos reports from Managua.
Foiled Coup Attempt in the DRC
Government ministers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo say a commando group seized state radio in Kinshasa and declared they were suspending government institutions. The group, apparently led by Major Eric Lengue, also seized the national electric company, shutting off power in the capital for several hours. Heavy automatic weapon fire was heard in the early morning hours in several areas of Kinshasa, including the neighborhood of the official residence of Mr. President Joseph Kabila. There are unverified reports at this hour that the leader of the failed coup attempt has contacted the British Ambassador regarding his surrender. President Kabila went on national television after the attempt to say his government remains in control. Last week, renegade military commanders seized the volatile eastern city of Bukavu, but withdrew a few days later. Jacques de Pelchin – the Director of the Otabenga International Alliance for Peace in the Congo, joins us. Mr. De Pelchin — Given the events of last night in Kinshasa and last week in Bukavu – what are the implications for the peace process in the Congo?
Saudi Student Innocent of Terrorism
Those concerned about the Patriot Act’s impact on Free Speech see yesterday’s “not guilty” verdict in the case of a Saudi student accused of aiding terrorism in Idaho as a hopeful sign. A major question in the case was whether allowing pro-terrorist postings on a website amounted to aiding terrorism. In this case at least – the answer seems to be no. Leigh Robartes has more.
NYC Unions Protest and Rally
It’s been a busy week for New York City unions. Some unions left the job for the picket line or staged major rallies as frustrations escalated with their employers and Mayor Michael Bloomberg over contract negotiations and salaries. FSRN’s Leigh Ann Caldwell talks to union leaders in New York City.
Control Room Hits the Theaters
A Shiite Muslim shrine has been the site of conflict today, as loyalists of a radical cleric squared off against protestors in the holy city of Najaf. Hundreds of protestors marched on the Imam Ali Shrine to express their support of a peace plan imposed to end the fighting there. And as the U.S. and Iraqi leaders attempt to avert more bloodshed in the Sadr City neighborhood of Baghdad that has claimed the lives of at least 14 U.S. servicemen and over 800 Iraqi’s in the past nine weeks, a documentary about the Arab news channel, Al-Jazeera, is hitting theaters nationwide today and is energizing public debate about U.S. media responsibility during wartime. Jackson Allers reports from WBAI in New York City.