July 19, 2004

U.S. Strikes Fallujah
The U.S. launches an air strike in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, reportedly killing civilians. And, a popular cleric is allowed to reopen his newspaper after being closed down by the U.S. run provisional authority. Dave Enders has
more from Baghdad.
Hezbollah Leader Killed
Lebanese officials charge Israeli intelligence operatives killed a Hezbollah leader today. Mohammed Shablaq reports from Beirut.
Petition Against Fox News
Moveon.org and Common Cause announced they are filing a petition against the Fox News channel with the Federal Trade Commission. Nadja Middleton has more from New York.
Women Face More Workplace Discrimination
Women of color are reporting discrimination in the workplace at rapidly rising rates while the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is slow to act despite having similar data. Claudia Sacks reports from D.C.
NAACP Wants New Trial for Abu-Jamal
The NAACP, at the end of their annual convention in Philadelphia voted in an emergency resolution to call for a new trial for journalist and activist Mumia Abu Jamal. Abu-Jamal has been sitting on death row for 23 years after a jury declared him guilty of killing a police officer in Philadelphia. His supporters say the case was “contaminated by racism.” Only two members of the jury were black while 11 other African-Americans were turned away from the pool by the prosecution. Key evidences against him are the statements of 3 witnesses whose testimony has serious flaws according to his lawyers. The case is now awaiting what is likely his last appeal in the Third Circuit Court.
Palestinian Prime Minister Resigns
Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia today says the resignation he tendered this weekend remains in force because he hasn’t received a written response from Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Qureia’s resignation coincided with a shake up in the leadership of overall security in Gaza. Arafat appointed his nephew Moussa Arafat as head of security in the Gaza strip leading to huge unrest over the weekend. Today he nullified that appointment and reinstated Abdel Razek al-Majeida to the post. Dr. Hassan Abu Libdeh — the Bureau Chief and Cabinet Security Minister of the Palestinian government– joins us.
FBI Questions Muslims and Arabs
In what the FBI claim is an effort to gather intelligence about possible al-Qaeda attacks in the US in the coming months, members of Muslim and Arab communities across the country are being interviewed. Legal experts and community organizations are warning that anyone contacted should obtain legal counsel, and many are questioning the relevance of the questioning. Darby Hickey reports.
Immigrant Rights Groups Rally
Trade Unions and immigrant rights groups rallied across the country this weekend after the White House squashed two measures designed to help legalize the undocumented. In the Central California town of Porterville and the coastal town of Watsonville, hundreds of workers with the United Farm Workers of America rallied in support of a measure called AgJOBS, which would allow undocumented farm workers to earn the right to stay in this country legally. Meantime, student demonstrators rallied outside the Texas State Capitol and at a speaking engagement of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist in Nashville. They urged law-makers to support the DREAM Act, which would allow undocumented immigrants who entered the United States before age 16 to qualify for federal college loans and work study. After registering for college, immigrants would be given temporary legal residency and could win permanent legal status if they earn a degree. From Los Angeles, Aaron Glantz has more:
The Computer Ate My Vote – Activists Call for Paper Trail
As the election season heats up, activists attempting to ensure voting accuracy have been gaining traction and visibility around the U.S. Last Tuesday, organizations with combined membership of 3 million Americans converged on nineteen state capitols around the country demanding verifiable voting in elections. Reports are still coming in from that flurry of activity, called The Computer Ate My Vote day. For instance, activists in Albany, New York rolled out a literal paper trail from the west steps of the State Capitol to front entrance, until stopped by state police. The activists then rolled up the paper trail and delivered nearly 42,000 signatures to Governor Pataki calling for a voter verified paper trail. Pokey Anderson updates the story with news from Ohio and Texas.
Aussie Free Trade
Last week Congress passed a free trade agreement with Australia, that is just one of several new free trade deals that are either being considered or have already been approved. One constant among the agreements is that while tariffs would be dropped on such sectors as manufacturing, US pharmaceutical companies have been successful in blocking the imports of cheaper drugs. With many trade deals still in the air, this year’s elections could prove crucial to the future of free trade. Mitch Jeserich has the story.
25th Anniversary of Sandinista Revolution
July 19, 2004 marks the 25th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua. This revolution became a target of former US President Ronald Reagan who saw the Central American country as a crucial game piece in the Cold War. Tara Ramos brings us the following special report from Managua.