August 27, 2004

Iraq Update
Witnesses say a U-S warplane has bombed the Iraqi city of Fallujah. They say the plane dropped at least two bombs. The U-S military isn’t commenting. Today’s report follows a Wednesday raid by U-S tanks and warplanes, which hospital officials say killed at least four people. In Najaf today, representatives for cleric Muqtada al-Sadr gave the keys to the Imam Ali shrine to an aide for Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani and fighters left among thousands of Iraqis who flocked to the sacred site. Najaf’s deputy police chief says officials found at least ten corpses in a building housing what they call a rebel religious court run by al-Sadr’s followers. Police say the dead are victims of the court’s summary justice. However, an al-Sadr supporter says the bodies are those of militants killed in three weeks of fighting with U-S and Iraqi forces.
Late Term Pregnancy Termination Ban Unconstitutional
For the second time – a judge has ruled the so-called Partial Birth Abortion Ban unconstitutional. Esther Nguonly reports from the nation’s capitol.
Hamdi Release Imminent
The US government says a settlement is imminent in the legal battle over a US citizen detained in Afghanistan and held for three years as an enemy combatant without charges. Jenny Johnson is in Washington, D.C.
Texas Crime Lab Locates Lost Evidence
Houston’s Chief of Police announced that the department has located lost evidence from thousands of cases spanning 25 years. From KPFT in Houston, Erika McDonald reports:
California Energy Re-Regulation?
The California State Legislature is headed for a showdown with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on two matters. After promising to find a compromise, Schwarzenegger is poised to veto a bill that would provide access to driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants. He is also set to strike down a bill to re-regulate the state’s energy industry. Kellia Ramares reports from Pacifica Station KPFA in Berkeley, California.
Media Branding Protests 3:48
The Republican National Convention begins on Monday in New York City, although protestors have wasted no time in already voicing their dissent. The Republican Party has embarked on shaping the image of those protesting against them as extremist and irrational, while the media has started to use those negative portrayals as well. Leigh Ann Caldwell has more from WBAI in New York.
Bush’s Record and what May Come 4:17
Meanwhile, the Bush campaign says it will use next week’s convention to lay out its plan for the country for the next 4 years. FSRN’s DC Editor Mitch Jeserich looks at George Bush’s domestic record and what could be expected if he serves for another 4 years.
UK Retalliation Against US Arms Deal Protectionism 4:02
Every minute, someone in the world is killed by a fire arm. This week it emerged that Britain supplied Sudan with 180 tons of weapons. They’re the same weapons now being used by the Janjaweed militia in their campaign of rape, ethnic cleansing and murder sponsored by the Sudanese government. Last year, world military spending reached $956. How does the European Union, which is now the second biggest arms exporter after the United States, plan on regulating its their arms trade? Naomi Fowler reports from London.
Manipur and Armed Forces Security Act 3:40
The international community knows little about a war that is taking place at the tri-junction of China, India and Burma. These armed struggles for independence from India have taken the lives of approximately 200, 000 people over 5 decades. Landlocked and inaccessible to outsiders because of India’s travel restrictions, these areas have been virtually isolated from the outside world. The decades long ethnic conflict in this Tibeto-Burman inhabited area is taking a fresh violent turn since last month. The mass protest started when a Manipuri woman was raped and killed by Indian army personnel last month. FSRN correspondent Vinod Jose has the details.
Immigrant Student in NYC 4:10
As New Yorkers prepare for the Republican National Convention next week, young people around the state will be preparing for the new school year. Yet, for some students, finding a school that will accept them has proven nearly impossible. Reports emerged this week in New York City that some 4,000 students will not be able to attend high school simply because there is not enough room in the schools they applied to. Some students are being told to remain in Junior High School, regardless of their grades. And, as David Simkhaev and the Radio Rootz team report, for newly arrived immigrants the challenges are countless, and they are not among those calculated by statisticians as a reason for being locked out of school.