September 02, 2004

Nigeria Boots Halliburton
Halliburton is barred from doing business in Nigeria until the investigation of alleged bribery is over, per order of the legislature. Sam Olukoya reports from Lagos.
Legal Challenge to New Mexico Voting Law
Today, a recently enacted voting law in New Mexico is being challenged as discriminatory in court. Elaine Baumgartel with KUNM reports.
UN Criticizes Sudan
A United Nations envoy says Sudan has failed to meet key Security Council demands aimed at curbing violence in the war-torn Darfur region. Susan Wood reports from the U.N.
Russian Hostage Update
31 hostages being held in a Russian school have been released while more than 300 are still being held. Anastasia Gnezditskaia has the update.
Opposition to Bush Inside the Republican Party? 3:57
Inside the National Republican Convention, speaker after speaker has praised President George Bush and his administration in pursuing his war on terror. During this time, the Bush administration has increased the size of government more than any other President besides Lyndon Johnson during the Vietnam era, has created almost a half trillion dollar deficit, and has made a military preemptive strike a public policy. As Mitch Jeserich reports from inside Madison Square Garden, despite the unified theme the Republicans are attempting to portray, some Republicans are slamming the Bush administration for taking the party away from some of its more traditional values.
No Child Left Behind? 2:24
One of President Bush’s major campaign themes four years ago was education reform. His second year in office he signed the No Child Left Behind Act. This campaign he is touting that act as a domestic achievement. FSRN’s Leigh Ann Caldwell takes a look at the state of education under No Child Left Behind.
NYC’s Homeless Speak Out 1:26
The New York based Coalition for the Homeless estimates that in the month of July, some 36,600 men, women, and children were sleeping each night in the City’s shelter system, while thousands more slept on city streets, park benches, and subway trains. In the weeks leading up to the Republican National Convention, New York City Police warned many of the city’s homeless to stay out of the area near Madison Square Garden. FSRN’s Vinny Lombardo reports.
Sex Workers in NYC Speak Out 2:08
Many media outlets, including the independent press, have been aflutter with the talk of the impact the Republican National Convention is having on the income of local sex workers. But those who engage in sex for commercial exchange say their lives and issues need to be put in context. Darby Hickey has this report.
Iraq Veteran: “Morale Low” 1:00
While the attention on the podium at the RNC continues to focus on the war on terror and the success of the war in Afghanistan, a returned soldier, David Chasteen of the 3rd Infantry Division, who fought in the recent invasion of Iraq was on the floor of the convention with a very different message. (
Update from Afghanistan 3:04
Meanwhile FSRN’s Fariba Nawa in Afghanistan tells Host Deepa Fernandes that life is still tough despite the overthrow of the Taliban.
Historians Reflect on the Last Four Bush Years 1:15
While the pomp and circus is on parade at Madison Square Garden, few seem to be reflecting on American history and asking where the Bush administration has lead the country in the last four years or how much US policy that has been enacted in the past four years has broken with historical precedent. Jenny Johnson talked to a group called Historians Against the War and brings us their perspective.
Labor Day Tribute Inside They Eye of the RNC 1:31
For over one hundred years Americans have been celebrating Labor Day and the social and economic achievements of workers. The first Labor Day tribute was held in New York City and this year’s holiday takes on a special significance with the addition of the Republican National Convention. WINS correspondent Sarah Turner, attended this year’s events in the Big Apple.
Dick Cheney all scrambled up 1:29
Last night Vice President Dick Cheney addressed the National Republican Party. Christopher Sprinkle brings us this condensed version of his speech.