September 03, 2004

Job Growth Slow
More new jobs were created last month according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Yet the pace is still far off the rate established in the past decade. Jenny Johnson has more.
Activists Protest AIDS Cuts
Youth activists in the District of Colombia voiced their opposition to a million dollar cut to federal funding for HIV/AIDS programs. The activists say the numbers of cases among them is the highest in the country. Gladys Brooks reports from D.C.
U.N. Demands Troop Withdrawl from Lebanon
The 15-member United Nations Security Council passed by a vote of 9-0 a demand that all foreign troops should leave Lebanon and to support free elections in that country. Arab diplomats called the vote a U.S. strong-arm move against the Syrian government. Haider Rizvi reports from the U.N.
Strike in Brazil Continues
Professors in a third of Brazil’s public universities are still on strike. Natalia Viana has the story from Sao Paolo.
Republicans on Bush’s Domestic Policy 3:58
Last night President George Bush gave his nomination acceptance speech. Disrupted twice by protestors on the floor of Madison Square Garden, half the speech was dedicated to war-talk and the other half to domestic policies. While the delegates cheered for every line, as FSRN’s Mitch Jeserich reports, not all Republicans agree with where the Bush-Cheney ticket is heading on domestic policy.
Wrap up of the RNC: Inside & Outside 1:32
Last night the RNC came to a close after four tumultuous days with George W Bush accepting the nomination from the Republican Party, with a speech that had broad gestures, but few specifics. Christopher Sprinkle put together this wrap up of the week’s events at the Garden and around the city.
Final Arrest Count: Thousands 1:37
Friends and family of those detained this week in New York stood outside of Central booking holding cells to get word about their loved ones inside. According to the NYPD, over 1,800 people were arrested this last week on charges ranging from failure to disperse to weapon possession. FSRN’s Leigh Ann Caldwell and Aura Bogado report.
Vigil for the Fallen as Bush Accepts Nomination 1:46
Last night as George Bush was preparing to accept the GOP presidential nomination, Veterans for Peace organized a “vigil for the fallen” in New York’s Union Square to reflect on the sacrifices made by US soldiers who fought in the Iraq War. FSRN’s Vinny Lombardo was there and brings us this short collage.
Fire Fighters Union Endorses Bush? 1:42
On Wednesday, one labor day event overshadowed all others in the media, when Steven Cassidy, President of the Uniformed Fire Fighters Association local 94, surprised organized labor by endorsing George W. Bush for re-election. WIN correspondent, Sarah Turner, has the story.
Community Organizers on Next Steps Post-RNC 1:48
With the Republican National Convention ending yesterday, many who took to the streets in New York City to protest, continue to plan ways to organize for the elections and beyond. Selina Musuta of the DC Radio Co-op reports.
UN Slow to Act on Sudan 3:53
Over the last several days media interest has been focused on the Republican Convention in New York. Meanwhile though, the UN Security Council has been meeting to decide on whether to impose sanctions on the Sudanese government for its support of militias which have been responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians in Sudan’s Darfur region. Despite the evidence of massive human rights abuses and atrocities, no action has been agreed upon by the Security Council and it seems unlikely that international peace-keepers will be deployed to the area. Yet, in Sudan, other communities who have known the terror of the militias call on the US and the international community to do more. Rupert Cook reports.
Workers Rights Under Debate in India 3:13
This past weekend, the All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC) ended its ‘indefinite’ truckers strike after it reached an agreement with Government. AIMTC, India’s largest truck union with nearly three million vehicles, had called the nationwide strike to protest a proposed 10 percent service tax on freight booking agents. The strike cost millions to the industries. This comes as India marks one year since the Indian Supreme Court ruled that government employees do not have the right to strike in India, and as our correspondent Binu Alex reports, while some feel that mass strikes drain the economy and end up hurting many people, others are worried that workers rights in India are under attack.