November 02, 2004

Voter Turnout in OH
Voter turnout around the nation especially in the so-called swing states has been unprecedented today with lines at most polling places stretching more than a block. In Ohio, neither light rain nor the presence of Republican “challengers” in the polling places is deterring voters. Evan Davis has more from Columbus.
London Peace Protest
Veteran peace activists in London are leading protests to coincide with the US elections. From London, Naomi Fowler reports.
Shell Takes Nigerian Workers to Court
International oil prices have gone up again as Shell Petroleum takes its workers in Nigeria to court in an attempt to stop them from going on strike. Sam Olukoya reports from Lagos.
EPA Officials Differ on Child Pesticide Test
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials are at odds over a plan that offers money to families so they can study the effect of pesticides on children. Erika McDonald reports.
The Nation Goes to the Polls (3:09)
Down to the wire reports on Ohio, Arizona, Wisconsin, and New York. Thanks to WORT for providiing information for this segment.
PA Race Extremely Close (1:48)
According to the Keystone Poll, Bush was ahead 47-45 percent in September, but by August, Kerry led Bush by 48 to 42 percent. The result is going to be based solely on voters turn out. And in Philadelphia, a democratic strong hold, there has been reports from Election Protection that voters are being harassed by republican lawyers. Dante Toza has more from the voting polls in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Report from FL (3:19)
Thousands of volunteers from all over the country are fanned out across the state of Florida to protect residents right to vote, and avoid some of the problems which plagued the 2000 election. With the latest from Florida at community station WMNF in Tampa, Andrew Stelzer reports.
NV Election Monitored: Reports of Fraud (2:11)
The hotly contested state of Nevada has only 5 electoral votes, but they are highly coveted this election. Recognizing that, Republican, Democrat, and non-partisan volunteers have flooded Nevada’s polling places to assure a fair election this election day. One day after election officials received complaints from people who received fraudulent calls telling them there polling place changed. FSRN’s Leigh Ann Caldwell has more from Las Vegas.
Women Candidates in NM (2:33)
Nearly one hundred fifty women are running for U.S. Congress, in this year’s election, with three women running for governor. While the statistics seem impressive, the number of women holding office in the nation is still small compared to men. And while women make up more than 50 percent of the population, they hold less than 15 percent of congressional seats. Women aren’t faring much better in their home states. On average, women hold less than a quarter of legislative seats around the country. But, in New Mexico, women represent 30 percent of the legislature. As KUNM’s Leslie Clark reports, with those numbers, New Mexico ranks fifth in the nation for women in state legislatures but women in politics there say there are still more barriers to cross.
Overseas Vote: Report from Germany (3:22)
As millions go to the polls today, more attention is being paid to the impact of votes from American citizens residing overseas. With one million expatriate Americans, Europe is considered an important region to harness for both the Democrats and the Republicans. In recent months European cities have witnessed a blaze of campaigning from George W Bush’s aunt, Nancy; John Kerry’s sister Diane, and former Vice President, Dan Quayle. At the heart of Europe, Germany is home to some 250-thousand Americans and several major US military bases. As Guy Degen reports, both Republicans and Democrats are highly active in Germany, and for them, every American vote from Germany is a potential election winner.
HIV/AIDS Advocates for Kerry? (3:34)
In the lead up to the election, FSRN has brought you analysis of many issues that did not receive much attention in the campaign. With a reference by Senator John Kerry about Vice President Dick Cheney’s lesbian daughter receiving more media attention than the Vice President’s admission of ignorance about the severe impact of HIV and AIDS on black communities, HIV/AIDS advocates are denouncing the lack of discussion about HIV during this election season. According to advocates, this is one issue where the Democratic Presidential Candidate is clearly a better choice than President Bush. Darby Hickey of the DC Radio Coop reports.