December 28, 2004

Headlines (5:02)
Immigrants Harrassed More Than Ever
A new report leaked to the Miami Herald claims that harassment and detention of immigrants and others seeking asylum in the United States is on the rise and is actually making the country less secure from terrorists. Andrew Stelzer has more.
Hate Crimes Against Gays and Lesbians in FL
A Florida hate crimes report reveals that more gays and lesbians are the target of harassment despite an overall drop in hate crimes committed. Jenny Johnson has more from Tampa.
Palestinian Presidential Candidate Arrested
A Palestinian presidential candidate on the campaign trail was arrested last night in Jerusalem by Israeli soldiers. Jenka Soderberg reports from Bethlehem.
US Governors Fear Bush Medicaid Cuts
Governors around the nation in a major bipartisan effort are set to press the Bush administration on maintaining federal funding for Medicaid. With the DC radio coop, Selina Musuta.
Tsunamis Kill Thousands (2:47)
Eleven nations in South East Asia and in Africa have been affected after a 9.0 earthquake hit the coast of Sumatra on Sunday and triggered several tsunamis. The death toll has escalated to more than 40,000 dead. The tsunamis also killed hundreds of tourists vacationing in Thai resorts and hundreds more remain missing. In the war-torn country of Sri Lanka, the fatal tidal waves caused over 18,000 people to perish and one million remain displaced. Meanwhile in the Bay of Bengal, bodies continue to wash up along the shores. Vinod K. Jose brings this report from India.
Indonesia’s Government Blocking Aid (4:37)
Indonesia is one of the countries hardest struck by the fatal tidal waves. Over 9,000 people are dead and the government has restricted foreign humanitarian agencies and journalists from entering the provinces. Meggy Margiyono is in Indonesia and files this report.
Yuschenko Wins Ukraine Elections (2:45)
Opposition leader Victor Yushchenko took an assailable lead in Ukraine’s re-run presidential elections. The defeated Ukrainian prime minister Victor Yanukovich vowed to go to court to challenge his defeat. The victory of the pro-Western candidate was widely predicted but, as analysts stress, it may not be easy for Yushchenko to fulfill his election promises. From Warsaw, Danuta Szafraniec explains.
Sunnis call to Boycott Elections (4:21)
Iraq’s main Sunni political movement, the Iraqi Islamic party, has announced it will boycott US-sponsored elections to be held January 30th. On Monday, the head of the Party, Mohsen Abdel Hamid told reporters in Baghdad that his decision was motivated by the refusal of authorities to postpone elections for six months to ensure broader participation. Aaron Glantz has more from Cairo.
Fallujah Refugees in Need of Aid (2:52)
A group of military family members, whose sons died in the Iraq War, arrived in Am-man, Jordan early this morning to deliver $600,000 worth of aid to refugees from the besieged town of Fallujah in Iraq. Over 2,000 Iraqis and 71 US soldiers lost their lives there and now thousands of refugees are living without adequate food and water, and are lacking electricity and medicine. FSRN’s Vinny Lombardo has more.
Same-sex Marriage in California Courts (3:10)
The judge who will be presiding over the legal battle regarding the constitutionality of same-sex marriage in California has refused to allow the city of San Francisco to submit counter arguments that refute claims that children need opposite sex parents and that homosexuality can be cured. The judge’s decision is a blow to the city of San Francisco’s attorney who claims that marriage laws in the state of California discriminate against gay and lesbian couples. Krina Despota attended the oral arguments and files this report.