March 22, 2005

FBI Calls Military Interrogation Practices Suspect
Internal U.S. government documents show that FBI agents called intelligence gathered through the Pentagon’s coercive interrogation practices at Guantanamo Bay suspect. Mitch Jeserich has more.
EPA Tosses Harvard Study Over Results
Officials with the Environmental Protection Agency disregarded a scientific study they co-authored and paid for when they announced mercury emission standards. Erika McDonald has more.
UN Water Day
On World Water Day, United Nations representatives are calling for global leaders to insure that everyone has access to the essence of human existence – clean water. Haider Rizvi reports from the UN.
Indian Parliament Closer to Restricting Patents
India’s Parliament passes a restrictive patent law that some believe may curb inexpensive drug manufacturing for the third world. Binu Alex reports from Ahmedebad.
Students on Hunger Strike for Janitors’ Wages
Georgetown University students are on a hunger strike until janitors at their school get a living wage. Brian Zinn has more from D.C.
Students Stand Against Bush’s Proposed Budget Cuts (3:48)
Over 250 college students from across the country headed to Capitol Hill to urge their representatives not to support Bush’s proposed budget cuts to education. Bush’s proposals to cut billions of dollars from education, community development, water projects and other programs have further divided the house and senate. Selina Musuta of the dc radio coop has more from Capitol Hill.
French May Vote NO on EU Constitution Due to Neo-Liberal Directive (3:59)
On the agenda for a European Union heads of state summit in Brussels today and tomorrow was discussion for ambitious plans to be at the top of world by 2010. The agenda, instead, has been dominated by growing concerns that the French may reject the planned European constitution in their referendum on May 29. Pressure is mounting for the redrafting of the so-called “Bolkestein directive” on liberalization of services. Opponents of the constitution say the directive proves that Brussels wants to run Europe for business not people, while supporters of the constitution fear the move toward liberalization will help the ‘no’ vote in France’s referendum. FSRN’s Tony Cross reports.
Opinions Split Over Naranda Modi In New York and India (2:03)
Despite the retraction of his visa, Indian Hindu Nationalist elected official Naranda Modi spoke via teleconference in New York’s Madison Square Garden on Sunday to thousands of supporters — while hundreds protested outside. The divided Indian American community in New York illustrates a similar rift over policy in India. FSRN’s Leigh Ann Caldwell has more.
Logging Ban Lifted in the Philippines (3:13)
A municipal administrator and a police officer in the Nueva Ecija province of the Philippines have been charged with aiding illegal logging activities, for allowing the transport of 3,000 board feet of hardwood. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources said the two arrests illustrate the government’s campaign against illegal logging. A complete logging ban was instituted across the Philippines about three months ago, after the deaths of over 1,000 people in the wake of four typhoons were blamed on over-logging. Yet Philippines President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has lifted part of the logging ban to provide the country with necessary lumber and create jobs- a strategy that critics contend focuses the timber industry on the country’s only remaining native forests. From Manila, FSRN’s Carey Biron reports.
“Pesticide Babies” Born to Immokalee Farm Workers (3:58)
The recent birth of 3 babies with birth defects to South Florida farm workers has brought on an investigation by state officials. All 3 farm workers were Mexican immigrants, and all 3 worked on the same field, which was sprayed with pesticides that may have caused the babies to become deformed during the mother’s pregnancies. From WMNF radio in Tampa, Andrew Stelzer has the story.
Mumia Abu-Jamal Commentary: Critics and Occupations (3:04)