May 02, 2005

Headlines (5:04)
Italians Challenge Pentagon Report
The Italian government is contradicting a Pentagon report that absolves a US soldier of any wrong doing in the killing of an Italian intelligence officer in Iraq. Diletta Varlese reports from Brescia.
Sudan Confirms CIA Ties
The government of Sudan has confirmed its “strong relationship” with US intelligence agencies, despite being labeled by the Bush administration as a state sponsor of terrorism. Ingrid Drake from the DC Radio Co-op has this
Chilean Protest Marred by Violence
Union leaders say they will hold another demonstration to counter the violence that marred yesterday’s labor protests in Chile. Jorge Garratón reports from Santiago.
Indonesian Workers Say Legislation Helps Multinationals
5-thousand Indonesian workers, most of them women, called on officials to ignore new legislation and instead demanded more job security and better working conditions. Meggy Margiyono has the story from Jakarta.
Nepalese March for Restoration of Freedoms
The five largest parliamentary parties in Nepal are appealing to the international community in a joint statement today. They say, “the lifting of the state of emergency, which is only on paper, has been announced just to soften national and international pressures.” Yesterday the King of the Himalayan nation lifted the state of emergency he declared when he took absolute control at the beginning of February. More than 10-thousand marchers
in Nepal demanded a restoration of democratic freedoms yesterday. Two days ago, there was a one-day strike at all educational institutions to protest the unprovoked shooting of a Unified Marxist Leninist student at a conference. Some mobile phone service has been restored and Nepalese officials have released 2 of the estimated 3-thousand political prisoners. There are rampant reports of a “reign of terror” perpetuated by the government Security Forces who claim they aim to stop a Maoist insurgency. Michael Van De Veer prepared that report from Kathmandu.
United Nations Begins Month-Long Conference on Nuclear Non-Proliferation (3:31)
The United Nations kicks off a month-long conference today to review the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. The conference started on edge, as Iran announced plans to continue their nuclear energy program, which they say is safe and for non-weapon use. North Korea also launched a test missile into waters near Japan yesterday. FSRN’s Leigh Ann Caldwell has more, from the United Nations.
Historic Vote for the Organization of American States (2:37)
Foreign ministers throughout the hemisphere gathered today in Washington, D.C., for a special session of the Organization of American States, or OAS. Their task was to elect a secretary-general, the leader of the 34-nation body. The results were nearly unanimous
ACTUALITY: Un voto en blanco, dos abstenciones, y 31 votos a favor de José Miguel Insulza. [applause]
With two abstentions and one blank ballot, 31 countries voted for Chilean Interior Minister José Miguel Insulza. The vote is a blow to the U.S. government, which traditionally handpicks the OAS chief and which backed another candidate until just last week. Chip Mitchell reports from the Colombian capital, Bogotá.
New Fears of White Nationalism Working its Way into National Policy (4:05)
The Minutemen ended their month long patrol of the US-Mexico border in Arizona this weekend. Many credit the national attention they received with putting Congress on the brink of passing the anti-immigration measure known as the Real ID Act. The Minutemen, along with supporters such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform OR FAIR, were in Washington last week lobbying Congress to pass the Real ID Act. While they were warmly received by some of the most powerful Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill, Mitch Jeserich reports that these same groups are being accused of promoting white nationalism.
GMOs More Likely to Show Up in the Mexican Food Supply (4:19)
Although little is known in Mexico about genetically modified organisms in the food supply, the presence of GMOs is likely to become much more common due to a new law that goes into affect today. Shannon Young has the story in Oaxaca.
Thousands Rally in New York Against War and Nuclear Arms (2:35)
Up to 40,000 people rallied in New York City yesterday against the war in Iraq and for nuclear disarmament, in advance of a meeting at the United Nations this month to review the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The treaty must be reviewed every five years and is in danger of collapsing because of several loopholes that allow proliferation to continue. Those attending included 40 mayors from 30 countries who are members of Mayors for Peace, as well as several hundred Japanese, including some Hibakusha, or survivors of the atom bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 60 years ago. Melinda Tuhus reports from New York.
Immigrant Workers March on May Day in Los Angeles (3:03)
Thousands of immigrant workers and their advocates marched through the streets of downtown Los Angeles this weekend to mark International Workers Day. The event was organized by the Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, or MIWON, an umbrella group of five community labor organizations. Workers and advocates called on elected officials to pass legislation to promote workers rights and legalization. Ngoc Nguyen reports.