May 24, 2005

Protestors are amassing near the major government buildings in Bolivia’s capitol over the nation’s new hydrocarbon law for the second day in a row. Linda Farthing reports from La Paz.
Zimbabwe’s police have rounded up nearly 10-thousand street vendors for illegally selling essential goods. Na’eem Jeenah has more.
The US House of Representatives is scheduled to pass stem cell legislation over threats of a Presidential veto. David Koppel reports from D.C.
The US Supreme Court will consider their first abortion case in five years. Yesterday the court voted to consider a New Hampshire law that requires parental notification if a minor wishes to receive an abortion. Opponents of the law say that it should have exemptions to protect the health of the pregnant teen.
Also, the US Supreme Court kicked back the case of a Mexican national on death row who asked that his sentence be overturned after he was denied legal help from his consulate. From KPFT in Houston, Renee Feltz has more.
As many as 10,000 pro-democracy demonstrators in Nepal defied the heavily armed Security Forces to support the 7-Party Alliance’s call for the complete restoration of democracy and jammed the central Katmandu market. Many of the peaceful but militant protestors ignored the Government warning issued Saturday against any “anti-Royal slogan shouting” and called not only the restoration of democracy and an end to the feudal Monarchy. The Federation of Nepalese Journalists began nation wide actions against the recent regressive media regulations by the King of Nepal. For publishing anything “objectionable” against the King’s power grab journalist can be imprisoned and fined up to 7-thousand USD. That report was provided by Michael Van De Veer in Katmandu.
Political Battle over Judicial Filibusters Continues (3:46)
The compromise in the Senate yesterday over the future of judicial filibusters opened up the floor for an up and down vote for Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen to the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Owen is one of three controversial judicial nominees who will be voted on this week. However, despite the compromise, made by 14 Senators, the political battle continues. Selina Musuta of the DC Radio Co-op has more from Washington, DC.
Congress Considers Bill to Make Parts of Patriot Act Permanent (3:58)
Congress began considering a bill today to make numerous sections of the Patriot Act permanent and expand FBI powers to subpoena records without judicial review and track mail. The FBI says the new powers are needed to quickly respond to a potential violent attack. But critics contend the bill would give unprecedented authority to the FBI that will be out of view from the public eye. Mitch Jeserich reports from Capitol Hill.
Education Workers on Strike in Mexico (3:16)
Thousands of education workers are on strike in various parts of Mexico. One of the areas where mobilizations have become particularly intense is in the southern states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. FSRN’s Vladimir Flores has more from Oaxaca City.
Texan Residents Oppose Trans-Texas Corridor (3:58)
As the Texas Congressional session winds to a close, Texas Governor Rick Perry is moving ahead to begin the first segment of the controversial Trans-Texas Corridor, a private toll way project expected to cost more than $180 Billion over the next 50 years. Last week, Governor Perry signed an agreement with the Spanish multi-national, Cintra- but opponents say the plan is an abusive use of the state’s power for financial gain. Syria Boyd reports.
Sami Al-Arian Trial in Florida (3:04)
The highly publicized federal case against former University of South Florida Professor and political activist Sami al-Arian and three co-defendants is set to begin June 6. The government plans to use secret evidence to support their terrorism-related allegations of conspiracy, racketeering and providing material aid to Palestinian Islamic Jihad. From WMNF Radio in Tampa, Lance Robson reports.
New Delhi Cinema Bombing (2:23)
Three bomb blasts exploded in the Indian capital of New Delhi this weekend. The first two exploded within minutes of each other, a third detonated a few hours later. Though no one has claimed responsibility for the blasts, it is widely believed that they were in protest against a Hindi movie that tells the story of a Sikh policeman as well as some of the Sikh scriptures. The Indian Defense Minister said the week-end bomb attacks appeared to be the work of “terrorists” and warned of “stern action” against the perpetrators. Binu Alex reports from Ahmedabad.