May 26, 2005

Headlines (5:28)
Activists on different sides of the immigration debate clashed in Southern California leaving 7 protestors in jail, 3 run over by a car and the man who ran them over released without charge. From KPFK in Los Angeles, Sonali Kolhatkar has the story.
A Texas judge ruled a political action committee founded by Representative Tom Delay broke the law by failing to report corporate contributions used to influence state elections. Renee Feltz reports from KFPT in Houston.
3 cross-burnings overnight in Durham, North Carolina took local residents by surprise. Kimberly Pierce reports from WNCU in Durham.
Protestors around South Africa are demanding more decent and affordable housing as well as access to basic services like water. Na’eem Jeenah has more from Johannesburg.
The European Union’s richest states agreed to increase aid to Africa that will mean a virtual doubling of the EU’s combined aid by 2010. But some aid experts and campaigners expressed their concern. Naomi Fowler reports from London.
Due to time constraints the following headline was cut from the newscast.
The peace process in Colombia may be derailed in response to the government’s arrest of a top commander who was also a key spokesperson for the paramilitary group. Nicole Karsin reports from Bogotá. (1:02)
Mass Bombings in Baghdad (2:00)
A series of car bombs ripped through the streets of Baghdad today killing scores of people across the Iraqi capital. We’re joined by Baghdad computer scientist Alaa al-Obaidi.
Amendment to Pentagon Budget Sought to Bring Troops Home (1:33)
Last night the House of Representatives passed the Pentagon’s 491 billion dollar budget. An amendment to the budget that would have barred women from some combat roles was defeated. Also defeated was an amendment that would have called on the President to devise a plan for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, marking the first time that Congress has considered such a proposal. The amendment, sponsored by Democratic Representative Lynn Woolsey of California, lost by a considerable margin of 128 to 300. Yet almost 2/3rds of Democrats voted for it and so did 5 Republicans, including Representative Walter Jones of North Carolina, who in 2003 lead the campaign to rename French fries: freedom fries.
Mahmoud Abbas Visits Washington (3:56)
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met with George Bush today, marking the first time in five years that a Palestinian leader has come to the White House. President Bush called on Israel to halt all settlements into Palestine and pledged 50 million dollars in aid that will go directly to the Palestinian government. Mahmoud Abbas said he’s confident that the Bush administration will play a key role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and he called on Israel to immediately return to final status negotiations. While early indications suggests that the meeting was a successes for Abbas, he failed to get George Bush to call for an end of the construction of the Israeli wall. Mitch Jeserich reports from Washington.
Californians Stage State Wide Protests Against Schwarzenegger (3:09)
Thousands of teachers, nurses, firefighters and other union workers, along with their supporters, attended a mass protest in Los Angeles’ Pershing Square over Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger initiatives and budget proposals. Dave Gilotti is the President of the Los Angeles County Firefighters.
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A massive protest against Schwarzenegger also took place in Sacramento, where 10,000 people gathered for what organizers call the biggest rally the state capitol has seen in decades. They were there to protest Schwarzenegger’s plans to hold statewide special election in November. Schwarzenegger announced a broad agenda in January that included partially privatizing state workers pensions, mid-decade redistricting, changing teacher pay and other measures that have unions outraged. Schwarzenegger later backed off of his pension plan, and his popularity has plummeted in statewide polls, but he’s holding to his threat of a special election to put some of his plans in as ballot initiatives. Christopher Martinez files this report from Sacramento.
MALDEF Sues Over Detainment of 3 Immigrant High School Students (2:15)
The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) is suing Albuquerque, New Mexico Public Schools, the Albuquerque Police Department and the U.S. Border Patrol for detaining 3 high school students in the city. The lawsuit comes as the Albuquerque School Board works to strengthen its policy on immigrant students and the city hears legislation restricting the actions of the Albuquerque police. Free Speech Radio News correspondent Leslie Clark has more.
Nebraska Beef Workers Threaten Strike (3:13)
An Omaha, Nebraska union has decided to delay an election originally scheduled for today at the Nebraska Beef Limited meatpacking plant. Labor officials decided to hold off on elections, because they say the company is using illegal anti-union tactics to intimidate workers. The company denies the charges. From Omaha, Avishay Artsy has more.
Disability Rights Advocates Rally at the Department of Education (2:18)
People with disabilities from across the country gathered to rally in front of the US Department of Education to protest planned cuts to key programs that benefit the disabled. FSRN’s Dolores M. Bernal reports.