June 16, 2005

Headlines |
Sick and injured workers from the site of the World Trade Center are appealing to Congress so that federal money set aside for them will remain in New York rather than returned to the government as requested by White House officials. Peter Larkin reports from D.C.
European Union leaders are discussing some of their most contentious issues at a summit in Brussels: the recently rejected constitution and the next budget. Tony Cross has more.
The Mexican Supreme Court will allow the trial of two former top government leaders for their alleged involvement in a 1971 massacre. Shannon Young reports from Oaxaca.
The Venezuelan government has formally requested that the Bush administration extradite a fervent opponent of Fidel Castro who is also wanted in the South American country for allegedly bombing an airplane. Greg Wilpert reports from Caracas.
Panama’s President has agreed to a 90-day discussion period to quell two weeks of protests in the country. Unions, business leaders, and students have been protesting a plan by President Martin Torrijos to expand the Panama Canal. However, until the plan is complete, economists estimate that the middle classes would pay as much as 25-percent in taxes. Leaders of the protests say that the government should raise fees on the very profitable canal before taxing the working people of Panama.
Downing Street Memo Hearing on Capitol Hill
A hearing on the Downing Street Memo was held on Capitol Hill today. The memo was first leaked to the British press in May. It dates eight months prior to the invasion of Iraq, the minutes of a meeting with Prime Minister Tony Blair and his top advisors indicating the determination of the United States to go to war with Iraq — and that the only obstacle was creating a context in which an invasion would be justified in international law. Jenny Johnson reports from the hearing.
House of Reps Votes to Bar FBI from Searching Library and Bookstore Records
The US House of Representatives voted last night to bar the FBI from searching library and bookstore records- reversing a part of the Patriot Act. Mitch Jeserich has more.
Controversy over Proposed Religious Hatred Law in Britain
The British government is currently attempting to force through a controversial religious hatred law, which criminalizes speech, publication or performance likely to stir up religious hatred. Opponents believe it may curtail free speech, damage community relations and encourage a new climate of repression. They add that the proposed law is too broad and too subjective, and relies heavily on individual interpretation. From London, Naomi Fowler reports.
Women’s Rights Violated in India
In India, a disturbing decision by a local village council asking a father-in-law to marry his daughter-in-law — whom he raped, has once again brought to light women’s rights in an Islamic religion. Though women do register their complaints against such crimes, justice is rarely seen. FSRN correspondent Binu Alex has more.
Congress Members Push for Moratorium on Human Subjects in Pesticide Testing
Two members of Congress, Senator Barbara Boxer and Representative Henry Waxman, are pushing the Bush administration to re-impose a moratorium on human subjects in pesticide testing. They say the tests harm individuals involved and will only benefit the corporations that produce the chemicals. Darby Hickey has more from DC.
Tough Choices over Urban Sprawl in Albuquerque
The city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, like many other cities in the country, is facing difficult choices about how to manage growth. One Albuquerque councilor is proposing a moratorium on new housing construction on the Westside of the city as a way to control sprawl in the area. As Leslie Clarke reports, the idea is generating a strong reaction.
Farewell to Randi Zimmerman
As we end our newscast today, we say farewell to headlines editor Randi Zimmerman. Randi has been an amazing part of our editorial team for the last four years, and we’ll miss her greatly. On behalf of the entire FSRN family, we want to thank Randi for her years of service — covering a broad range of issues including labor, activism, trade, immigration, civil rights and more. We take this opportunity to wish her the best and close by listening to a sampling of Randi’s coverage of the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and their aftermaths.