July 21, 2005

Headlines (5:28)
In Yemen, 13 people died in the second day of protests over an increase of gas prices. Protestors and police clashed as Yemeni’s were chanting anti-government slogans, threw stones, and attacked government buildings. Outrage erupted over the governments effort to cut debt. In addition to increasing gas prices, spending programs will be cut for the impoverished country. 45 percent of Yemeni’s live in poverty and 35 percent are unemployed.
Two Algerian ambassadors and their drivers were kidnapped in Iraq. This is the fourth Arab nation to have its diplomats taken hostage. Eliana Kaya reports:
Four small explosions, or possible explosions, erupted on London’s transportation system, which caused a shut down and confusion in London. Reporter Helen Kelly spoke with FSRN.
The House of Representatives passed a spending measure that would fund radio and television stations in Venezuela. The amendment, part of the House Foreign Relations Authorization Act, was sponsored by Florida Republican Connie Mack. The broadcast is to be an opposing viewpoint to President Hugo Chavez and to promote democratic values in Venezuela. Representative Mack and the Bush Administration oppose leftist President Hugo Chavez. And the bill comes as Chavez will launch a television network that, he says, will be the voice of South American.
A study appearing in today’s New England Journal of Medicine reports on the first nationwide program to monitor quality of care in hospitals. It highlighted significant differences in that quality. Melinda Tuhus reports.
A retired U.S. couple donated $50,000 in humanitarian aid to Cuba for hurricane relief. Mike Fox reports.
The Reauthorization of the Patriot Act Moving Though Congress (4:10)
The reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act passed through a key Senate Committee today to extend all 16 expiring provisions of the controversial measure, originally passed just days after 9/11. The House of Representatives is expected to approve its version of the Act later on tonight. Mitch Jeserich reports from Capitol Hill.
Meeting of High Ranking Iraqi Ambassadors in Jordan (1:56)
Iraqi ambassadors were in Amman, Jordan today to discuss Iraqi foreign relations and garner international support for the current Iraqi government. Oula Farawati has more.
Protestors Condemn Attack on Noticias Newspaper Offices (1:49)
Approximately 3000 people marched through downtown Oaxaca City yesterday afternoon in condemnation of attacks against the Noticias newspaper. After a one-month blockade at the paper’s main office, 31 press workers who had been sequestered inside of their building were violently removed on Monday night by a group of around 100 men armed with bats and metal rods. Although the scandal is now receiving international press coverage, there has been relatively little action on the federal level to resolve the conflict. In Oaxaca City, Shannon Young and Vladimir Flores file this report.
Proposed Legislation Seeks to Protect Reporters (2:14)
The Bush administration stated on Wednesday that proposed legislation that protects reporters from revealing their sources would be bad public policy and undermine the fight against terrorism. But supporters of the bill say that the legislation protects the first amendment rights of reporters. Selina Musuta reports from DC.
California State Senator Investigating Domestic Military Spying (3:52)
A California State Senator is broadening his investigation of domestic spying by the California National Guard. The controversy started after news reports the guard spied on a Mother’s Day anti-war rally in Sacramento. Now, Senator Joseph Dunn thinks the problem may be larger, with orders coming down from the Federal level- which could be a violation of a federal law barring domestic spying by the military. Christopher Martinez reports from Sacramento.
African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum Comes to a Close (2:53)
The 2005 African Growth and Opportunity Act, or AGOA Forum, hosted by Senegal, ended their three day meeting, which focused on how eligible African countries can diversify their exports by taking advantage of the broad range of products eligible for preferential U.S. treatment under AGOA. From Senegal, Ndiaga Seck reports.
Welfare Legislation Lacks Vision for Child Care Funding (3:16)
When considering welfare legislation, childcare has never been a priority for policy makers. Some in congress believe that child care funding is not an necessary asset for low income parents. But as Shanina Shumate from the Welfare Radio Collaborative reports, low income mothers say that without child care, they have difficulty meeting basic needs.