July 22, 2005

Headlines (5:07)
Police in London say that the investigation into four explosions in the transportation system are advancing quickly. Police arrested one man they say is tied to the four explosions and released the pictures of four who are suspected of attempting to detonate the foiled bombs. This morning police killed a man of south Asian decent after he jumped the turn-style and was running towards the train. Ian Blair, London Metropolitan Police Commissioner said that the man, who’s identity has not been released, was a suspect tied to yesterday’s bombings.
(Audio Cut of Tony Blair)
Witnesses said that the man was running towards the train in an oversized jacked. They also said that the police shot their guns four to seven times.
In Pakistan, protestors rallied against the round up and detention of Islamic extremists and suspected terrorists. In response to the British bombings and from pressure from western countries, Pakistan authorities rounded up more than 300 suspects of Islamic radicalism. Beena Sawar, a journalist in Pakistan, says that those who are protesting are extremists or are sympathizers.
(Audio Cut of Beena Sawar)
Humanitarian aid groups are also criticizing the mass detentions with out regard to the law.
New York subway riders are now subject to random searches. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the policy as a precaution shortly after four partial explosions in London’s transportation system. Rebecca Myles files this report from WBAI in New York.
Prisoners at the detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba have gone on a hunger strike. Stephanie Zarecky reports from DC.
Four extremist guerilla groups In Indian administered Kashmir have banned the return of migrant Hindu Pandits to the valley. This comes three days after the Pandits spoke with moderate separatists of returning to Kashmir. Shahnawaz Khan reports from Kashmir.
Anti-Muslim Backlash in London (1:47)
Plainclothes police officers in London shot and killed a man of South Asian descent that they say was a suspected suicide bomber today. Authorities also released photos of four suspects wanted in connection with yesterday’s attempted bombings. Meanwhile, a fresh wave of anti-Muslim backlash seems to be spreading in Britain. Joining us to talk about the latest in London is Free Speech Radio News correspondent Helen Kelly.
Fallujah Still Under Siege, Rebuilding Slowly Continues (3:30)
Iraqi officials said today that two Algerian diplomats were kidnapped Thursday in Baghdad, and at least six police officers in the city were killed in attacks by guerrillas. In Samara, an hour north of the capital, guerrillas attacked a Shiite shrine, reportedly damaging it. Despite claims of success by US officials in the military campaign against Iraq’s guerrillas, violence continues, even in Fallujah, which has been sealed by US and Iraqi troops since November. David Enders reports.
Resolution to Investigate Downing Street Memo Introduced (3:17)
A Congressional resolution of inquiry to investigate the so called Downing Street minutes has been introduced in the House of Representatives. Democratic Representative Barbara Lee of California is sponsoring the resolution which is the necessary first step to begin impeachment proceedings. The resolution requests that the House International Relations Committee look into statements from the British memo that stated that prewar intelligence on Iraq’s weapons capabilities was weak and fixed to match the policy. Mitch Jeserich has more from Capitol Hill.
Humanitarian Aid to Cuba Seized by US Customs (1:36)
US Customs officials confiscated humanitarian aid and temporarily detained travelers at the US-Mexico Border. Members of the 16th annual Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba attempted to cross through McAllen, Texas but found themselves detained and some of their cargo seized. I spoke with Lisa Valenti with Pastors for Peace yesterday afternoon.
(AUDIO of Valenti :38)
Checking against a list of items to seize, federal agents from the Dept of Commerce, Customs, and local sheriff’s departments confiscated more than a dozen computers earmarked fro Cuban school children. 9 buses, 2 box trucks and 3 cars were carrying roughly 130 travelers and 140 tons of humanitarian aid including computers, medical supplies, baby strollers and books. Although the last of the buses made it across the border at 6 this morning, a group of 7 people have stayed behind in Texas to try to get the computers into Cuba. The rest of the group will fly to Cuba tomorrow morning.
US Plans Anti-Chavez Radio and TV Broadcasts in Venezuela (3:35)
The U.S. House of Representatives approved a proposal to fund radio and TV broadcasts into Venezuelan territory that would be designed to counter the government of Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez. The proposal was strongly rejected by Venezuelan government officials, who said this move would represent a violation of Venezuelan sovereignty and a complete lack of knowledge of how many oppositional media outlets already operate in the country. Greg Wilpert reports.
Rwanda and Uganda Sign Extradition Treaty (2:05)
Uganda and Rwanda have signed a repatriation treaty which would extradite hundreds of Rwandan refugees who fled Rwanda and have been seeking asylum in Uganda. The government of Rwanda says some of the refugees took part in the 1994 genocide, and insists they be sent back for trial in a system of village courts. Many say the move is to ease tensions between the two neighbors. Joshua Kyalimpa reports from Kampala.
Home Care Alternative for Infants a Success (3:40)
Innovative childcare services are among the most desired programs across the country with low income families. New Mexico is one of only four states that have created an option to traditional day care. The infant home care program involves a small stipend coupled with parenting classes- a combination which, as Leslie Clark reports from New Mexico, is considered quite a success.