August 03, 2005

Headlines (5:14)
Army officers in the Western African country of Mauritania, claim to have overthrown the government of president Maaouiya Ould Sid Ahmed Taya and announced the creation of a ruling military council. Joshua Kyalimpa reports.
International groups put the total number if Iraq deaths since the invasion in 2003 to at least 25,000. Today has been one of the deadliest days for the United States in Iraq. Salam Talib has more.
The first bombing suspect has been charged in Britain. Police detained and charged him under the new anti-terrorism law. Helen Kelly reports from London.
Settler activists in Gaza press forward with their anti-evacuation march as Jihad says they will stop all rocket attacks until the evacuation is complete. Manar Jibreen has more.
Soldiers on Trial for Death of Iraqi General (2:53)
The Washington Post is reporting that a former Iraqi General was beaten to death by US interrogators in 2003. The report also indicates that there are serious concerns the CIA and Special Forces were involved in the lead up to the Iraqi General’s death. The Pentagon responded that the actions fell outside of the military field manual, and that the participating soldiers were being tried. However, as Mitch Jeserich reports, President Bush says he’ll veto a bill in Congress that would require all detainees to be treated according to that same field manual cited by the Pentagon.
Record Settlement from Enron Linked Investment Bank (2:21)
Investors swindled out of billions of dollars during the collapse of Enron Corporation have received their biggest settlement yet after an Enron linked investment bank agreed to pay $2.4 billion. But that may not be the final award. Max Pringle reports.
Activists Demonstrate Against New Energy Bill (1:33)
A group of activists protested the new energy bill today, adopted by the House. Their major grievances include unnecessary tax breaks to oil companies with record profits, and deep water drilling that is detrimental to wildlife. In Washington, Anastasia Gnezditskaia has more.
Schwarzenegger’s Very Expensive Special Election (4:11)
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has called a special election that could turn into a ballot fight costing as much as half a billion dollars, with donations pouring in at a record rate. Schwarzenegger’s ballot agenda is itself running into trouble, with setbacks such as a court ruling that knocked one of his initiatives off the ballot, and the failure of another to make the ballot in the first place. Polls show most California voters opposed to a special election when they see the price-tag. A state lawmaker, meanwhile, is introducing legislation to cancel the vote. In Sacramento, Christopher Martinez reports.
EU Banana Tariff Ruling Ignores Worker and Environmental Rights (1:47)
The World Trade Organization this week ruled against a new tariff imposed by the European Union on banana imports. The ruling was applauded by the nine Latin American banana producing countries that filed a request with the WTO for arbitration earlier this year. But workers’ rights advocates say the quarrel over tariffs ignores the bigger issue of how eliminating quotas on banana imports to the EU could affect both workers and the environment. FSRN’s Jill Replogle reports from Guatemala.
Debate in Germany Over GMOs Continues (3:08)
Despite the lifting of a 6-year moratorium across the EU on the cultivation of genetically modified crops last year, the debate over the safety of these crops continues across Europe. In June of this year, EU environment ministers agreed to uphold 8 national bans on specific strains of genetically modified corn and rapeseed due to concerns over the safety of these products. But biotech giants like Monsanto are dangling an attractive carrot in front of farmers with their strain of corn that is resistant to the European corn borer, a crop-damaging insect. But EU member states are worried about the effects of this GM corn on so-called ‘non-target’ organisms such as European butterflies and moths, and other insects. Cinnamon Nippard has more.
Commentary by Mumia Abul Jamal: Inheriting an Imperial Nightmare (3:49)