August 08, 2005

Headlines (4:47)
The UN has confirmed that the Iran has broken the seals at Isfahan, its largest nuclear plant. The International Atomic Energy Agency, the global nuclear watchdogs, in a statement said, “that Iran today started to feed uranium ore concentrate into the first part of the process line at the uranium conversion facility.” The statement continued to say: “It should be noted that the sealed parts of the process line remain intact.” Iran rejected an offer made by three negotiating members of the European Union last week. Iran maintains that their nuclear production is for peaceful purposes. The IAEA said it has installed cameras at Isfahan to monitor Iran’s renewed activities at the plant.
A report places blame on government officials for violence that killed 3,000 members of the Sikh religion in India more than 20 years ago. FSRN’s Binu Alex has more from Ahmedabad.
A massive nation wide strike has halted gold mining in South Africa. Rachel Georgia has more from Capetown.
President Bush signed a massive energy bill. The bill, Bush said will do nothing to reduce gas prices overnight, but is good for the nation in the long run. During the signing ceremony Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque, Bush said the energy legislation will help the country in many ways.
(Audio of Bush)
The bill provides 14.5 billion dollars in tax incentives to corporate energy companies, including renewable energy and building new nuclear power plants. It is the first overhaul of the national energy plan in over a decade.
Anti-terrorism measures are targeted at low-income Americans. Pacifica’s Verna Avery Brown has more.
EZLN Launches the Other Campaign (4:27)
The Zapatista National Liberation Army in Chiapas, celebrates the second anniversary since the formation of the Councils of Good Governments and the creation of the Zapatista Caracoles- cultural centers of resistance. This year’s celebration marks the re-appearance of the Zapatista’s poetic spokesman Subcomandante Marcos, and the launching of what has been dubbed the “Other Campaign,” a plan to re-consolidate and strengthen the anti-capitalist movement. Tim Russo brings us more from rebel territory in Chiapas.
NRA Begins Campaign to Allow Workers to Bring Guns to Work (4:00)
The National Rifle Association has begun a national campaign against corporations who prohibit employees to keep guns in their cars that are parked in the company’s parking lot. The campaign started in Oklahoma against the gas company Conoco-Phillips in response to the company’s firing of a dozen employees for bringing guns to work. Conoco-Phillips has filed a lawsuit in a federal court against a new Oklahoma law that does allow employees to keep firearms in their cars. Mitch Jeserich has more.
Thousands Rally in Hawaii Over Hawaiian Only School Ruling (4:02)
An estimated 15,000 Hawaiians gathered on Saturday to rally and march in opposition to the 9th Circuit Court ruling that struck down the Kamehameha Schools Hawaiian only admissions policy. The trust that supports the school comes from a Hawaiian Princess who willed in the 1880s that her estate be used for the purpose of educating Hawaiians. But because of this and other rulings that are viewed by Hawaiians as racist attacks on the few assets they have, Hawaiians are asking serious questions about whether or not the US system is capable of ever providing Hawaiians with justice. The timing of this ruling also raises concerns about the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act, also known as the Akaka Bill, which will be voted on by Congress next month. In Honolulu, Anne Keala Kelly has more.
Mountain Justice Summer Campaign in Tennessee (1:57)
Local residents in Knoxville, Tennessee, are organizing a protest at the National Coal Company head quarters tomorrow, challenging the company’s environmentally destructive coal mining practices. This protest will kick off the Tennessee section of the Mountain Justice Summer campaign -a campaign that has been organizing throughout the Appalachian Mountains since May. Jenka Soderberg reports.
Anniversary of Voting Rights Act (2:54)
Thousands rallied in Atlanta over the weekend to mark the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, a package of laws created to enforce the 15th amendment to the constitution and the right of all US citizens to vote. Many consider the act to be the most effective civil rights law in US history, but as FSRN’s Catherine Komp reports, voter discrimination still continues.
Valley Free Radio on the Air After 2005 Grass Roots Radio Conference (2:32)
And, in western Massachusetts this past weekend, 400 media activists and independent journalists converged for the Grassroots Radio Conference and Barn-raising in Florence, outside of Northampton. This year’s 10th annual conference was not just the usual variety of workshops about media democracy, but a collaboration with Prometheus Radio Project to launch recently licensed Low Power FM station Valley Free Radio, 103.3. FSRN’s Monica Lopez was at the event and brings us this collage.