August 12, 2005

Headlines (5:40)
Brazil’s president Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva addressed the nation today in an attempt to counter murmurings that he is connected to the bribery scheme with in his government. Natalia Viana has more from Sao Paulo.
For the first time, President Bush saw the war protestors outside his Texas ranch today. His fifteen-car motorcade drove past on his way to a BBQ that is expected to raise 2 million dollars for the Republican Party. As KPFT’s Katie Heim reports, the number of protestors is growing.
Powerful republican Lobbyist Jack Abramhoff has been indicted on fraud and conspiracy charges. From WMNF in Tampa, Andrew Stelzer has more.
New York City began releasing oral histories and written logs today of calls about the attacks of the World Trade Center in September of 2001. Rebecca Myles reports from WBAI in New York.
After a roller coaster ride filled with uncertainty, an elderly couple from Afghanistan will be deported tomorrow. Sonali Kohaktar has more from KPFK in LA.
A Look At John Roberts’ Record on Civil Rights (4:03)
Newly released documents on Supreme Court nominee John Roberts reveal that he was as an active participant in the Reagan administration’s views on civil rights. Roberts argued against school busing as one way to combat segregation, and against the expansion of the Voting Rights Act. Roberts also argued that undocumented immigrant children did not have the right to a public education. Some civil rights activists are expressing serious concern over Robert’s nomination to the country’s highest court, as Roberts began in a Reagan administration that many consider to be the first to start rolling back hard won victories achieved by the civil rights movement. Mitch Jeserich reports from Washington.
Native Americans Affected by New Energy Bill (3:57)
The newly signed National Energy Bill has come under intense criticism in the past few days. Critics of the bill say there are too many giveaways to the extraction industry while short changing renewable energy programs and environmental protections. As Leslie Clark reports, Title 5 of the Energy Bill – known as the Indian Energy Title, is coming under similar critique.
Ugandan Government Shuts Down Dissident Radio Station and Arrest Radio Host (3:52)
A radio host in Uganda has been arrested by the police, accused of abusing President Yoweri Museveni and hosting a program that offends regional security. The arrest of Andrew Mwenda comes after the closure of K FM, taken off the air by The Broadcasting Council, Uganda’s censoring organization. Mwenda hosted a program called The Tonight Talk Show on K FM, a private radio station owned by Monitor publications which also owns the Daily Monitor newspaper. Joshua Kyalimpa reports from Kampala.
Idaho Residents Stand Against Plutonium-238 (3:55)
In Idaho, most of the 700 people who testified at recent public hearings were against a Department of Energy plan to produce plutonium-238 in the state. With the military running low on plutonium-238, the DOE is proposing to begin producing the highly radioactive substance at the Idaho National Laboratory, upwind from Yellowstone National Park. Some critics say it would be better to produce the plutonium elsewhere while others question the wisdom of producing any plutonium at all. Leigh Robartes reports.
Seniors Confused Over Changes to Medicare (4:22)
Many states across the country have begun educational campaigns to inform seniors about new changes to their Medicare prescription drug plan. It’s been two years ago since President Bush signed the Modernization to Medicare Act, which will provide seniors with private drug prescription plans. Dolores M. Bernal reports from New Mexico, where seniors are confused by all the new changes to Medicare.