September 15, 2005
Download MP3 Headlines (5:23) Texas executed Frances Newton before a court and a jury of her peers were allowed to hear new evidence in her case that could have led to an acquittal. From...
Download MP3 Headlines (5:23) Texas executed Frances Newton before a court and a jury of her peers were allowed to hear new evidence in her case that could have led to an acquittal. From...
Download MP3 Headlines (5:23) The Senate blocked a bid to open an independent investigation into the post 9-11 government response to Hurricane Katrina. Failing to receive 2/3 of the necessary votes, the alternative option...
Download MP3 Headlines (5:26) A micro radio station for Katrina evacuees in Houston is up and broadcasting. After disputes with FEMA and other government entities that opposed the station, saying it would take up...
Download MP3 Headlines (6:44) For the first time in 38 years, the last Israeli soldiers left the Gaza Strip earlier this morning. And Palestinians got their first glimpses of what lay inside the fortified...
Download MP3 Headlines (5:33) BROWN OUT Michael Brown, the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency is being pulled off the job in New Orleans. Brown has drawn increasing fire for mishandling the response...
Download MP3 Headlines (5:27) More trouble for Republican Majority Leader Tom Delay. A Texan grand jury announced a series of indictments against his political action committee Texans for a Republican Majority. The PAC took...
Download MP3 Headlines (5:03) The California state assembly voted last night to pass a landmark bill legalizing same sex marriage. Christopher Martinez has more from Sacramento. Louisiana Mayor Roy Nagin reissued an order for...
Download MP3 Headlines (4:49) Typhoon Pummels Japan Typhoon Nabi came ashore in southern Japan and South Korea today, killing five people, injuring dozens and forcing tens of thousands to flee their homes. Waves driven...
Download MP3 On March 8th, 2005, In Louisville, Kentucky, the Vice President of Yum brands, the corporation that owns Taco Bell, shared a podium with a group of migrant farmworkers who pick tomatoes which...
Download MP3 In addition to the scheduled Labor Day Special, FSRN covered the surprise nomination of Judge John Roberts for Chief Justice to replace Rehnquist, who died over the weekend – AND – Hurricane...