September 15, 2005

Headlines (5:23)
Texas executed Frances Newton before a court and a jury of her peers were allowed to hear new evidence in her case that could have led to an acquittal. From KPFT, Renee Feltz reports.
Many of the world leaders attending the UN summit on security and development this week are signing a new treaty on nuclear terrorism although diplomatic opinion on the definition of terrorism remains divided, Haider Rizvi reports from the UN.
An Israeli high court approved a new route of the Separation Wall north of the West Bank, annexing more land. Manar Jibreen reports.
And in Gaza, Eyppt has officially closed their border with Gaza after four days of free flow traffic – which was the first time the border has seen such movement since the 1967 war between Israel and the Palestinians. Laila El-Haddad has more from Gaza.
According to US banking records, Britain’s biggest arms firm, BAE systems, secretly paid more than 2 million dollars to the former Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet. It’s considered one of the largest scandals to hit an arms company. From London, Naomi Fowler reports:
Parts of New Orleans will re-open this weekend New Orleans Mayor Nagin said. Business owners in the French Quarter, the Central business district, Uptown and Algiers will be allowed entry.President Bush will address the nation tonight in a prime time broadcast to reveal a plan on Katrina recovery.
Senate Hearing on John Roberts Closes Today (2:42)
Senate hearings on the confirmation of John Roberts as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court came to a close today, with final questioning by Senators and testimony from a variety of witnesses. Although Democratic Senators continued to press the nominee a variety of issues, Roberts stuck to the same minimalist answers he’s provided for the past week. Darby Hickey reports from Capitol Hill.
Unofficial Hearing on Exit Strategy for Iraq (2:58)
In the wake of a series of suicide and car bombings in Baghdad, and with only a month to go until Iraqis vote on a new constitution, US Army spokesperson Major General Rick Lynch announced that U.S. forces are ready to launch air strikes on towns in western Iraq. Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, congressional members are pushing the Bush administration to outline a plan on how the U.S. can achieve military disengagement while still playing a constructive role in the rebuilding of Iraqi society. Selina Musuta reports on an unofficial congressional hearing on the future of Iraq.
Adnan Onaibi Released in Iraq (3:10)
More than a year ago, Free Speech Radio News broadcast an exclusive report on a deadly U.S. military raid. On May 2, 2004, US soldiers raided a Human Rights Office in the ancient city of Babylon. While a peaceful meeting was in process US forces entered the building and shot two sheiks in the head, killing them, and arrested the man who was addressing the crowd. He’d been held in prison since then, but two weeks ago he was released. FSRN’s Aaron Glantz reports.
Scott Parkin Back in the United States (2:56)
Houston-based peace activist Scott Parkin who had been in Australia since June, was recently picked up, put in solitary confinement and then escorted out of the country. The Australian security intelligence organization and the Attorney General claim that the 36-year-old teacher and organizer posed a security threat to the country. Australian lawmakers and activists disagreed. This morning, Monica Lopez met with Parkin in Los Angeles before the last leg of his journey home.
Celebration over UFW and Gallo Contract (2:14)
Scores of vineyard workers and their supporters gathered on the steps of San Francisco City Hall yesterday to celebrate a new contract between the United Farm Workers and Gallo of Sonoma. The announcement comes three months to the day since the union launched a nationwide boycott of the winery. Gallo insists the boycott had no bearing on its decision to sign a new contract. Max Pringle reports.
Leader of British Colombia Marijuana Party Faces Extradition Charges (2:45)
Canadian national Mark Emery, leader of the British Columbia Marijuana Party, says he fears for his life if he is sent to the United States to face drug charges. His extradition hearing is set for tomorrow. Allison Benjamin reports.
East Timorese Critique Western Notions of Economic Development (3:03)
The island nation of East Timor is the poorest country in Asia. Yet it’s received some $4-billion in international assistance, since the Indonesian military left it in ruins in late 1999. Now, as the government formulates major economic policies, East Timorese groups are critiquing western notions of economic development. Diane Farsetta reports.