June 15, 2006

Headlines (4:51)
A blast from a land mine killed at least 62 people in a crowded bus today in Sri Lanka. The government blamed the Tamil Tiger rebels for the deaths, something the group denies. Shortly after the bus explosion, the Sri Lankan air force began aerial bombardment in the northern part of the country. Today was the bloodiest day in Sri Lanka since a cease-fire came into effect four years ago.
Nepal’s government and Maoists rebels held a second round of peace talks today. PC Dubey has the details.
A US soldier, who was arrested on Sunday at her mother’s home in Eugene, Oregon has been transferred to her unit stationed at Fort Lewis in Washington State. Mark Taylor Canfield reports.
The US House of Representatives has again voted to end an administration requirement that Cuba pay in advance for U.S. farm goods. Matt Kaye reports from Washington DC.
The Janitors for Justice Campaign of the Service Employees International Union has organized 225,000 cleaning workers across the U.S. Now, to commemorate Justice for Janitors Day on June 15 and to go public with an ongoing organizing drive, about 600 janitors and their supporters from several cities converged this week in New Haven, Connecticut. Melinda Tuhus reports.
House Debates War in Iraq as US Troop Death Tool Reaches 2,500 (4:29)
The death toll of US troops in Iraq has reached 2,500 – and the number of US troops injured has surpassed 18,000. The Pentagon’s numbers come on the day that the House of Representatives is debating necessity of that war. Democrats are sighting the war’s pitfalls while Republicans are defending the initial invasion. Washington Editor Leigh Ann Caldwell brings us more from that debate.
Senate Votes on Amendments Affecting Relations with Iran (2:58)
The U.S. Senate voted on two amendments to the Defense Appropriations bill today. Senators rejected an amendment introduced by Rick Santorum which calls for sanctions on Iran and provides financial support to pro-democracy groups there. They voted in amendment introduced by Joseph Biden that opts for diplomatic means to resolve the nuclear standoff with Iran. FSRN’s Anastasia Gnezditskaia reports.
Public School Teachers Return to Encampment in Oaxaca City’s Center (3:31)
Public school teachers in Oaxaca, Mexico have rebounded from the brutal crackdown against their protest encampment yesterday, mobilizing today along with various sectors of the Oaxacan population. At least 5,000 people have made their way back to Oaxaca City and are once again re-building their tent city. FSRN’s Vladimir Flores reports.
A Look at Repressive Tactics Ahead of Mexican Elections (4:32)
Ted Lewis is the Human Rights Director for Global Exchange. Lewis has just returned to the US from a pre-elections observation trip to Mexico. He spoke with FSRN producer Monica Lopez about the potential effects of recent repressive operations in Mexico on the upcoming Presidential elections.
Push to Use DDT in Sub Saharan Africa to Control Malaria (4:20)
Countries in Sub Saharan Africa are still locked up over the debate on whether the pesticide DDT should be used to control malaria, which is currently one of the largest killers, especially among children, in the region. Malaria affects between 300 and 500 million people every year. The World Health Organization estimates that around 2 million people die of the infectious disease every year. 90% of these deaths occur in sub Saharan Africa, mostly to children under the age of 5. In Uganda, a pilot project of spraying DDT has started in one of the districts, amid vigorous criticisms by environmentalists and other anti-DDT advocates. As Emmanuel Okella reports from Kampala, Uganda preparations are in final stages to spray DDT across the country.