November 01, 2006

The situation on the ground in Oaxaca remains tense as federal forces begin to patrol neighborhood streets in pick-up truck convoys and takeover positions held by citizens calling for the governor’s removal. At deadline, neighborhood residents and teachers had been forced from the facilities of CORTV – the state-run television and radio facilities. An eyewitness on the scene said that a shock group affiliated with the ruling PRI party has begun to loot the equipment as federal police watched on. Meanwhile, representatives of the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca have said they will not negotiate with the Interior Secretary so long as federal troops occupy the state capital and arbitrary detentions continue. A local reporter who went missing yesterday morning has been released from police custody. During his short time in prison, Daniel Mota Figueroa says he encountered a number of people who have been reported as disappeared.
In other parts of Mexico, social organizations today began a new campaign to protest the presence of troops in Oaxaca by carrying out demonstrations and highway blockades. Luz Ruiz reports from San Cristobal de las Casas.
A Florida Republican legislator has resigned after admitting he left profane and racist messages to a fellow state lawmaker. Mitch Perry reports from Tampa:
The Israeli army launched a massive attack in the northern and southern parts of the Gaza Strip today. FSRN’s Rami Almeghari has more.
A senior Pakistani journalist was murdered in the capital Islamabad last night. FSRN correspondent Masror Hussain has the story.
Supreme Court Decision May Impact New Environmental Laws on Old Power Plants
The Supreme Court heard a case on emission standards for coal power plants today. The case, Duke Energy v. the Environmental Protection Agency could impact how old plants comply to new environmental regulations. FSRN’s Leigh Ann Caldwell reports.
Civil Liberties Groups Keep an Eye on Voter Suppression for Midterm Elections
This year’s mid-term election, now less than one week away, will be subject to the most changes in voting machines and election laws yet. Leaders from several civil liberties groups say they expect confusion and frustration at polls, as both voters and poll workers have to adapt to these changes. And, they add that they’re on the watch for dirty tricks that are used to deceive or intimidate voters. Yanmei Xie has more in Washington D.C.
OAS Tells Washington to Butt Out of Nicaraguan Elections
The Organization of American States (OAS) election monitors told Washington not to meddle in Nicaragua’s presidential election, which polls indicate Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega could likely win. As Nan McCurdy reports, this is the second time in a month that the OAS has condemned U.S. intervention in the Nicaraguan elections.
Violence Continues in Iraq as PM Calls for an End to Sadr City Blockade
At least 23 Iraqis, including 9 children, were killed Wednesday when a suicide bomber attacked a wedding party. 8 more people were found dead, including one man who lost his life when a car bomb detonated in Baghdad’s central market, as Iraqi police continue their search for 42 people kidnaped near Balad, just north of the capital. Two U.S. soldiers were killed, raising the number of U.S military personnel casualties to 105, making October deadliest month for the U.S. military since the start of the war. Meanwhile, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki has ordered a stop to the week long blockade on Sadr city. FSRN’s Salam Talib has the story.
Hundreds Demonstrate After Executed Death Row Inmates Are Proven Innocent
Hundreds of Texans marched in their state capital this past weekend to call attention to three death row prisoners who were executed, and later found to be innocent. The issue of innocence has changed the death penalty debate more than any other issue. Renee Feltz has the story.
South Korea Not Too Worried About North’s Nukes
North Korea has announced that it will return to the six party talks, which aim at persuading the reclusive regime to dismantle its nuclear weapons program. Meanwhile, Washington insists that it will continue to protect its East Asian allies until Kim Jong Il comes clean with his WMD. But as Jason Strother reports, many South Koreans aren’t so worried about the North’s nukes.