Monthly Archive: August 2009

August 17, 2009

Progressives concerned White House may exclude public option from health reform Student activists ask Secretary Clinton to support climate change refugees US Supreme Court delays execution of Troy Davis Groups say East Haven, CT...

August 14, 2009

The history of the US health insurance industry Government data tracking to expand under Obama Veterans demand expansion of VA mental heath care programs Iraqi journalists protest proposed restrictions on freedom of expression Pakistani...

August 13, 2009

Clinton wraps up Africa trip as critics accuse her of maintaining status quo Minnesota activists take over homes to fight foreclosures Mobile medical unit delivers free healthcare in Los Angeles More clashes between Zelaya...

August 12, 2009

House Judiciary: Karl Rove linked to politicized firing of US attorneys Congress reviews war contractors’ spending practices Disabled students face higher rates of corporal punishment Mexico overturns sentences of suspected participants in Acteal Massacre...

August 11, 2009

Healthcare reform could increase shortage of primary care doctors Amidst violence and attacks on candidates Afghanistan prepares for August elections Ruta Inka brings the world to the Andes mountains Myanmar´s military junta condemns Aung...

August 10, 2009

North American leaders discuss immigration, economy, trade, drug cartels, swine flu & more in Mexico Congress members take health care debate to their districts Activists protest deaths of Iranian exiles at Iraq refugee camp...

August 7, 2009

Department of Labor releases new unemployment figures Commission for Civil Rights mired in partisan politics Senate doubles budget for Cash for Clunkers bill Philadelphia community groups protest closure of swimming pools Court favors landowners...

August 6, 2009

Obama administration announces immigration detention reform Email and the economic crisis put US Postal Service in the red Senate reviews climate change law one last time before recess Korean A-bomb survivors mark Hiroshima anniversary...

August 5, 2009

Senator Leahy blocks $50 million aid package to Mexico Blackwater president, employees face accusations of murder Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurated for second presidential term in Iran Honduran media say defacto government targets them Paid family...

August 4, 2009

Financial agencies reject Obama plan for new banking regulations Senate debates Sotomayor nomination to Supreme Court Human rights groups ask Secretary Clinton to focus on Somali refugee crisis Chavez supporters attack Venezuela´s Globovision TV,...