May 30, 2011 – “In Memorium” documentary

This Memorial Day FSRN re-visits “In Memorium” a documentary on the history of Hawai’i that is little-known by most people in the United States.
Located 25-hundred miles west of the California coast, Hawai’i became known as the 50th state in 1959. Hawai’i is also home to the largest US military command center and to massive tourism and real estate development industries. But native Hawaiians are largely excluded from the material benefits enjoyed by the industries that have taken over huge swathes of the island chain.
It’s a situation that didn’t happen overnight…but it’s a history that isn’t often taught in American classrooms.
Join us today as FSRN’s Anne Keala Kelly brings us “In Memorium” and walks us through the history of Hawai’i and what the act of remembering means for many Hawaiians.