Monthly Archive: November 2011
Stop Online Piracy Act paves way for censorship, critics warn University of California students protest fee hikes, privatization In Afghanistan, council opens with focus on US military bases, night raids Credit rating agencies target...
New York police arrest protesters, clear Occupy encampment With debit fees withdrawn, banks reap profits off unemployed Farm workers call on EPA to strengthen protection against pesticides Campaign to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker...
Pressure grows on Syria to end crackdown as Arab League deadline nears After record floods, Thailand grapples with disease, sanitation Concern over fracking grows in oil, gas development Activists in Northern California take Occupy...
Veterans call attention to personal and societal costs of war Unemployment, homelessness hit veterans after return from conflict After public outcry, Obama Administration delays decision on Keystone XL Pipeline Occupy Baltimore joins residents in...
Senate effort to block EPA regulation fails with divided Republican vote David Cobb on national movement to end corporate personhood In Kashmir, investigation into mass rape by Army revives trauma, calls for justice Thai...
Ohio voters defeat anti-union law, dealing blow to Republican governor Mississippi rejects constitutional amendment to define ‘personhood’ at fertilization Environmentalists, industry leaders critical of Obama’s oil and gas drilling plan Women’s rights reforms in...
Supreme court hears case on police use of warrantless GPS surveillance In Arizona recall election, main backer of anti-immigrant law faces loss of Senate seat Nevada residents worry over open pit mine in historic...
Thailand floods threaten residents, economy as government comes under criticism Report from inside Syria documents voices of opposition Senate measure undercuts net neutrality, say critics Activists converge at White House over Keystone XL Pipeline...
Unemployment lowers in US, but joblessness rates still far from recovery Educators use Occupy movement to empower students, defend public education Alternative G20 in Nice calls for fundamental changes to financial system Ortega favored...
Oakland protesters hit streets for general strike, shut down port area Women face pay discrimination as congressional action blocked Nebraskans raise concerns over controversial Keystone XL Pipeline Corporate money floods Ohio ahead of repeal...