May 16, 2002
Bush Administration Ignored Terrorist Alert
The White House acknowledged today President Bush knew a month before September 11th that Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network might hijack American airplanes. The development comes as Congressional investigators step up their investigation into whether or not the government failed to adequately respond to warnings before September 11th. Gareth Schweitzer has more from the White House.
Arab World Anger Directed at US Pro-Israeli Stance
King Abdullah of Jordan announced today that Washington would give the country some $100 million in additional aid. This comes as the King returned home from a whirl-wind tour of the US where he expressed support for the Bush Administration’s so-called war on terror, but in Jordan rage is growing over Washington’s support for Israel’s war on the Palestinians. And, as Jeremy Scahill reports from Amman, not all Jordanians are for Washington.
East Timor in Transition
The count down is on towards East Timor’s historic independence, and as the capital city of Dili goes into overdrive to mark the occasion from readings of President Xanana Gusmao’s guerilla poetry to traditional dance performances. Many in Dili are concerned about how East Timor will survive on its own. The United Nations transitional administration did very little to address the development of East Timor’s economy, a vital element to growth and stability of a new nation. Host Deepa Fernandes files this report.
Newmont Corp Annual Shareholders Meeting
Newmont Mining Corp had its annual shareholders meeting in Denver on Wednesday. Representatives of several organizations were on hand, including Project Underground and Global Response, to express their dissent to the aging white male shareholders. Activists accused the world’s largest gold mining company of environmental degradation and human rights abuses. Patrick Naylis attended the meeting. He files this report.