May 24, 2004
The U.S Supreme Court ruled today that a lower court must hear a death row inmate’s charge that lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment. Sogomon Toronsti reports from D.C.
A coalition of leaders from the expanses of the political spectrum is seeking to redesign presidential debates in order to make them more inclusive. Darby Hickey with the D.C. Bureau reports.
US diplomats at the United Nations are starting the uphill climb to gain UN Security Council approval for what’s to come on June 30th, in Iraq. Haider Rizvi reports from the U.N.
We’ll have more on the proposal for Iraq coming up.
The Coalition of Immokalee Farm Worker’s struggle with Taco Bell is showing some minor movement, after a three-year campaign. WMNF’s Mitch Perry reports.
Iraq: Outrage Grows and More Sign up to the Sadr Militia – 3:40
American military officials said today that an investigation has been launched into a U-S attack last week on what Iraqi’s say was a wedding party being held in a small town near the Syrian border. In Baghdad this afternoon, dozens of men came to the office of rebel cleric Moqtada al-Sadr to sign up for his militia, galvanized by continued fighting in Sadr City and cities in southern Iraq. David Enders has this report from Baghdad.
Iraq: Bush under Increasing Fire Over Occupation – 4:00
Today the United States and Britain submitted a new Iraq resolution to the UN Security Council that approves the presence of US troops in the occupied country but it does not set a time frame for a future withdrawal of troops. Tonight President Bush addresses the nation to discuss next month’s so called transfer of authority to a selected Iraqi body. However, Bush will be facing a skeptical nation as polls suggest the public is very displeased with the handling of the Iraqi occupation. Mitch Jeserich reports.
Weapons-Grade Uranium Safety? – 4:41
After building an atomic weapon from materials available on the open market around the world, researchers at Harvard University today said that the world needs to secure plutonium and highly enriched uranium scattered in armories and research sites around the world. The researchers also said that the Bush administration is not doing enough. This comes as US Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, together with the International Atomic Energy Agency, announced plans to remove weapons-grade uranium in reactors world-wide, and fly it back to the country of origin, either the United States or Russia. Abraham also announced new initiatives to improve weapons-grade uranium security within the United States, prompting strong reactions from government watch dog groups. Rogi Riverstone has more.
No Visas for Foreign Experts on Anti-War or Economic Justice Issues – 3:57
The U.S. government is increasingly denying and canceling visas of foreign experts on antiwar, economic justice and peace issues. Nan McCurdy brings us the latest on one such case from Nicaragua.
Pink Slips for NY’s Legal Aid Attorneys: Who Will Represent the Poor? – 4:07
Hundreds of Legal Aid attorneys and support staff were given pink slips last week. New York City’s two-year contract with the legal aid society expires on June 30th. The organization is responsible for providing free legal and social services for more than 200 thousand New Yorkers each year. It plans to lay off a quarter of it’s work force. Some blame Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration, while others say Legal Aid may be responsible for it’s own fiscal problems. From New York, Gail Walker has more.