April 10, 2006
Headlines (6:15)
French President Jacques Chirac today withdrew a section of the controversial new labor law known as the First Job Contract. The provision allowed for any employee under 26 years of age to be fired at any time within a 2-year period. In recent weeks, the law sent millions into the streets of France in protest and caused disruptions at schools across the country.
In Nepal, Curfews remain in effect as civil opposition to the king’s policies continues. Carey Biron reports from Kathmandu.
Jordanian authorities have banned protests over a decision to hike oil prices and have arrested activists calling for a public sector strike. Oula Farawati reports from Amman.
As of this weekend, Farmer suicides in India have exceeded 1,300 in the past two years. Binu Alex has more.
A historic black church in New Orleans was re-consecrated by Catholic authorities this weekend. The church of St. Augustine celebrated Palm Sunday mass with the restoration of its charismatic African-American Pastor, Father Ledoux. Christian Roselund was at the mass and has more.
Funeral services are scheduled today in Long Beach, California for an eighth grader who helped to organize walkouts at his school last month. According to his family’s attorney, Anthony Soltero committed suicide after the Assistant Principal of his middle school told the 14 year-old that he would face 3 years in prison for his involvement in organizing the walkouts and that his mother could face fines for his truancy. The principal of De Anza Middle School said in a prepared statement today that she can make no comment on the incident, due to threats of litigation against the school district.
National Day of Action for Immigrant Justice (1:08)
Hundreds of thousands of people are participating a National Day of Action for Immigrant Justice around the country today. Xiomara Corpeno is an organizing director of the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights in Los Angeles, and explains what’s expected in downtown tonight.
Immigration Protest Across the Country
Other actions are planned throughout the nation. Today we hear from New York, Washington D.C., Madison and Pheonix:
Pheonix (1:04)
Madison (0:56)
New York (1:01)
Washington D.C. (1:26)
Tensions Rising in Iraq (3:19)
The deadlock between Iraq’s major Shiite political parties over the position of prime minister continued during the weekend, as did sectarian violence and bombings, including the destruction of another Shiite shrine south of Baghdad on Saturday. In the wake of Friday’s attack on Buratha mosque, considered the head mosque of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, one of the two main Shiite political parties, Shiites appear less inclined than ever to continue absorbing the attacks without retaliating. FSRN’s David Enders is in Baghdad, and files this report.
Israeli Settlers Take Advantage of Government Mandate on Palestinian Land (3:16)
Israeli settlers in Jerusalem and Hebron took advantage of their government’s mandate on settler expansion this weekend, as Israeli military attacks on Palestinian areas killed 15 Palestinians. Four Palestinians were injured this weekend when they were forcibly ejected from their homes in East Jerusalem by Israeli settlers and police, and an elderly farmer was hospitalized after an attack by settlers in Hebron. Saed Bannoura has more from Betsahour, Palestine.
Italian Election Results Too Close to Call (1:51)
Preliminary results from Italy’s general election appear to close to call. Voters have been heading to the polls in a 2-day election process, which is now closed, and so far there is no clear lead between the center left coalition’s candidate, Romano Prodi and current Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for the post. FSRN’s Dilleta Varlese reports.
Janitors in Miami Continue Their Strike (2:42)
Almost 6 weeks after going on strike, janitors at the University of Miami have yet to return to work. They’ve already won a 25% pay raise, but not the living wage they’re demanding. The approximately 200 mostly Mexican and Haitian janitors are fighting for the right to organize a union in any way they see fit: 10 of them have begun a hunger strike along with student supporters, in protest of the harassment their unionization effort has faced. From WMNF radio in Tampa, Andrew Stelzer reports.
Mumia Abu Jamal Commentary: Immigration Blues (2:57)