Monthly Archive: June 2004

June 16, 2004

Download MP3 Headlines French Workers Protest Privitization Electrical supply-workers protesting in France cut power to the country homes of some government ministers and the headquarters of the employers’ federation as parliament debated the partial...

June 15, 2004

Download MP3 Headlines Abu Ghraib Guards Told to Treat Prisoners “Like Dogs” In an interview with the BBC, Brigadier General Janis Karpinski said the military officer now managing the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq...

June 14, 2004

Download MP3 Headlines Cheney Involved in Halliburton Contract Pentagon officials admit that Vice President Dick Cheney’s office and political operatives in the Bush White House played a significant role in granting the no-bid Iraq...

June 11, 2004

Download MP3 Headlines U.S. soldiers were authorized to use attack dogs to intimidate Iraqis prisoners. Karen Mitchell has more from the D.C. coop. The voter advocacy group is taking legal action against the state...

June 10, 2004

Download MP3 Headlines Today a jury in Idaho returned a “not-guilty” verdict in favor of the University of Idaho student accused of terrorism. Leigh Robartes has more. Today the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics...

June 09, 2004

Download MP3 White House Judicial Nominee Oversaw DOJ Memo on Torture (4:20) The Wall St. Journal reported on Monday that the Pentagon’s top civilian lawyer, William Haynes, is the person in charge of a...

June 08, 2004

Download MP3 Headlines British Officer Misleads Gov. on Iraqi Deaths A British military officer admitted he inadvertently misled Parliament about the numbers of civilian deaths in Iraq that involved British soldiers.  Armed forces minister Adam...

June 07, 2004

Download MP3 Headlines Pentagon Says Torture Legitimate Pentagon officials argued that torture is a legitimate form of interrogation, under presidential orders, in a document reported by the Wall Street Journal today. Selina Musuta reports...

June 04, 2004

Download MP3 Headlines Pope John Paul the Second reminded President Bush today of the Vatican’s opposition to the Iraqi occupation and said the world has been troubled by recent QUOTE “deplorable events,” an reference...

June 03, 2004

Download MP3 Headlines President Bush admitted he has interviewed a personal lawyer to represent him in the investigation trying to find the person in his administration who leaked the name of a CIA agent....